Wouldn't you be gutted

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Creator of Knightmare
Posts: 62
Joined: 27 Nov 2002, 19:54

Re: Wouldn't you be gutted

Post by beveryafraid »

Knightmare was always edited, but usually to remove slow, pedestrian manouvering procedures in chambers where there was no immediate danger or hurry up; i.e. often after an encounter.
For info: we got better and better at running 'more game' per production day, and by series 5 less than 20 per cent of the day's production output was discarded.
Nothing that was pivotal to game was ever chopped.
Use of sudden death obstacles like the Corridor of Blades involved everyone on standby for a live decision. I would have to give an immediate verdict on whether 'death damage' had occured.
It wasn't always easy, and in the case of Giles' team the decision was so borderline we gave the benefit of doubt. Sometimes I was a bit tougher on teams whose game status was already 'losing', because we knew they didn't have the knowledge or artifacts to proceed beyond the next critical point in their mission.
I can't remember anyone ever spending half an hour in a game chamber.
play the endgame and play only to win
Fright Knight
Fright Knight
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Re: Wouldn't you be gutted

Post by Emii »

Thanks for clearing that up, BVA!

Come to think of it, if I was stuck in a chamber for half an hour I'd worry about what my advisors were faffing around at!
"The alarm, Master! The opposition's tracked them! Oh good grief...look - Lord Fear's frozen Christopher!"
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