Series 2 - Episode 14

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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by pjmlfc05 »

The dungeoneer messed up quite badly. How on earth did he think the empty jar was called humbugs?! Good to see the dungeoneer falling down from the causeway. I guess the graphics team managed to fix that as previous times Lillith took away the causeway, the dungeoneer was static and you didn't see him fall.

Loved the troll's poem!! Apart from that it was a quiet episode.
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by TimeMaster »

I thought that this was a great episode!

I loved the appearance of Ariadne in a place other than her traditional lair - it made me jump! The introduction of the Amulet of Invisibility was a clever idea that added a lot to the game play.

However, I will most remember this episode for the laugh out loud death! It was great to see the falling effect but somehow it was also very comical! The whole thing was topped off with Treguard's brilliant, "Well if you can't read labels, you can't be expected to read the writing on the wall! " ;D
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by HobGoblin »

I think this is the first episode of which I have no strong memories. The spider ledge possibly, though it was used in other eps.

There's a rather 'morning after' feel about this episode - after the winning quest things now seem like an anti-climax. In a world of speculation where the producers engineered Julian's win, one would have to say it was a mistake as it upsets the pacing of the series.

A fun game I've started playing is to close my eyes just before a new room appears and try to imagine what the dungeoneer would see in their imagination. The descriptions of rooms are generally completely awful (e.g neglecting to mention a pit full of worms)! Watching the quest on TV must have been a total revelation to the kids who actually entered the dungeon...
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Pooka »

pjmlfc05 wrote:How on earth did he think the empty jar was called humbugs?!
Because it was labelled "humbugs". It was empty, but that's what the label had. I'm intrigued by the potion named "potion" though - which they misread as "poison" - it's not the sort of thing I'd choose to give Lillith!

I've been waiting for the "I'm a troll" poem/song all series: it's one of the original soundbytes that Johnny put on The Home Page of Knightmare. I was almost beginning to think I'd invented it!
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Drassil »

Tom41 wrote:Is it just me, or did Igneous have a drop of water on his 'nose' at the beginning?
I noticed it too. I think it was a tiny tear in the, er, brickwork.
Tom41 wrote:Challenge cut off to the ad break in the middle of Treguard saying farewell to the team!
Interesting. I always assumed that Challenge's advert breaks in these showings were the same as they'd always been. This time around, the break came as Treguard was sending forth the new dungeoneer.

This is the episode that begat the misconception that the term for a jester's sceptre is folderol. According to every dictionary I've checked, it isn't. A folderol is a silly trinket or the refrain to a song (as illustrated by the Troll later in this episode).

The spider on the ledge isn't identified by Treguard as Ariadne, so in my opinion it's a different one. Ariadne was "Queen of the Arachnids" and it can't have just her and the scorpion making up the queendom! Also, I like the idea that Ariadne never ventured above Level 2 until Lord Fear arranged it.

In the clue room, when Steven/Stephen was told, "Feel round", I wonder if he was tempted to reply, "Well yes I do, but we did have a massive lunch."
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Canadanne »

Drassil wrote:
Tom41 wrote:Is it just me, or did Igneous have a drop of water on his 'nose' at the beginning?
I noticed it too. I think it was a tiny tear in the, er, brickwork.
Oh, I saw that and assumed it was a breathing hole in the mask.
Drassil wrote:I always assumed that Challenge's advert breaks in these showings were the same as they'd always been.
I have noticed throughout this run that the ad breaks are in different places from last time.
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Gretel »

That death for Lilith.... such a daft mistake but got bless Mary for making the most of the flipping Humbugs thing! Honestly, I will never not smirk when Lilith gets a kill, she's kind-of one of my favourites (most of this lot are honestly...)
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Mogdrebowen »

what a howler of an error and punished big time by lillith
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Gretel »

One of the best 'what the heck are you doing team?' moments I'd say!
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by Morghanna »

Team 11 only scored 1/3 against Igneous and received the customary, "I scorn you!"
An advisor had already described the bottle label as "poison", not "potion", but now the dungeoneer failed to notice the mistake. ::) Treguard emphasised that they should examine the objects twice after this, but his advice went unheeded....

Would they have changed their selection, even if they had noticed the error? :question:
There were arguments for&against the potion bottle and the humbug jar. Team 7 took the potion and possibly shouldn't have done so. Team 9 used the empty jar of humbugs to get past the troll. (Admittedly team 11 should have had no prior knowledge of these quests.)

Bribed Olaf with the gold.
:idea: Could they have used the humbugs to get past Olaf and then paid Lillith's "toll" with some gold? The empty humbug jar worked against the troll for team 9, and team 8 used an empty honey jar to distract Olaf in a similar way.

Another great sequence with Lillith. Altho they were doomed anyway, he didn't improve matters by demanding, "I want the laugh!" rather than asking her politely. Loved her Lady Bracknell style reaction: "Hummmmmm-bugs!". ;D
If you wanna be picky, how could she see that the jar was empty from the other side of the causeway?
There's no doubt about it tho, a dungeoneer demise in Lillith's cavern was always enjoyable.
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Great send-off from Treguard: "If you can't read labels, then you can't read the writing on the wall." ;D

Team 12 seemed a little hesitant at first, but quickly gained their confidence.
Folly was back on good form in the kitchen. ;D
They did ok against Igneous with 2/3, and got a very helpful clue. Quickly worked-out how to use & carry the talisman of invisibility.
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Re: Series 2 - Episode 14

Post by HStorm »

Morghanna wrote: 05 Jun 2020, 13:26 If you wanna be picky, how could she see that the jar was empty from the other side of the causeway?
To quote another great wizard, "That's mmmmmmmmmmmagic!" Lillith is a sorceress after all, and can probably do all sorts of tricks to enhance her vision.

More interesting question is how she knew where Anthony comes from if she didn't have a clue who he was when he arrived in the cavern twenty seconds earlier? Do people from Ash have a particularly distinctive accent?
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