Knightmare meets Back to the Future

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Knightmare meets Back to the Future

Post by Drassil »

Time out has just ended. Motley bumps into Mellisandre.]

Motley: Melly! Are you ever a sight for sore eyes! Let me look at you!

Melly: Motley, are you alright? You're acting like you haven't seen me in a week.

Motley: I 'aven't.

[They move closer... suddenly there's a sonic boom, and a mine-cart appears in the room. Merlin jumps out. The cart has been customised with an array of egg-timers, and says 'Tower Of Time Enterprises' on the side.]

Merlin: Motley, you must come with me, back to the future!

Motley: M, Melly and I were...

Merlin: Well, bring her along. This concerns her, too. [Gestures for them to climb into the cart. They do so.]

Motley: What do you mean? What happens? Does something 'appen to us? Do we turn into Gibbets or something?

Merlin: You and Melly turn out fine. But your kids, Motley. Something's got to be done about your kids! And Fidjit. [Climbs into the cart.] Right, here we go.

Motley: You'd better back this thing up, M. We ain't got any track to get up to 88.

Merlin: Where we're going, we don't need tracks. Spellcasting! F! L! U! X!

[The cart speeds into the air, then disappears in a white flash.]
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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