Re:Here's a mad idea...

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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by tomyboy »

Tomyboy - if by 'old-fashioned graphics' you mean the kind of graphics used in the Spectrum Activision game we've been playing of late, then do not worry. It would take a considerable amount of skill to get graphics that primitive going in Flash. The graphics will be kinda cartoon-gothic, with moody shadows and lots of colour and animation, but I have to stress that since this is a browser game, graphics have to take second place to bandwith and download times. If you're expecting Thief III or something, I suggest you look elsewhere.
I'm 14!! I'm used to PS2 graphics not the Spectrum graphics!! Although saying that I do play the "old graphics" game on CiTV!
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by Raven »

mmm... pizza
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by keke »

yes. anyway i did a crap drawing of the moving maze i though up. hahaha its nto that good once u see it. but anyway here it is: ... tmare.html he grey platforms are where the platforms start and they turn every 8 seconds or so to the white positions. the player would have to get from the bottom to the top. hahaha
Last edited by keke on 18 Jun 2004, 20:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Fucking hell, it's a fiendish one alright. It's kinda like The Mills Of Doom, only.... nastier. Hah!

I assume that the way to survive would be by keeping the player on the pivotal centre point of each block until it was safe to move? If the player stands in the centre of the block, it can swivel around them okay and they'll be safe. But if they are on the edge of the block when it swings, they fall to their death.

The reason it should work this way is that no obstacle in Knightmare (apart from the Spindizzy) has ever physically moved the player in any way. For this reason, if the player is at the edge of the block and the block begins to swing, the player won't move as well - the block will swing from underneath their feet, and down they go to their death.

I'm definitely gonna work with this one though, it would make a great end-of-Level-2 puzzle (perhaps instead of a Causeway, for example?). Well done indeed!

As a reward, I give you three VERY ROUGH (I can't over-stress this) screens from The Deeper Dungeons!

Not a lot, but it's something! Enjoy!

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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by TheBrollachan »

It's a good start Skip.

Some rooms are more realistic looking than others. Nice to see the bomb room.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by LordF »

Skip, when will we see Character disigns like Treguard and Lord F etc.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by keke »

oooo i like the look of the rooms. very cool. can't wait to see the dungeoneer be one step away from the door in the bomb room when it explodes. hahaha
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by Kieran »

Certainly seems to be based on the earlier series of KM. Looks pretty good thus far!
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by FrightKnight »

The last room looks a little like series 8, actually. Looks very knice so far...keep it up! ;D
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Thanks for the feedback peeps, I hope you're beginning to get a feel for the project even at this very early stage. You'll have noticed that I've done away with the isometric viewpoint in favour of 'tv' angles. It just looks better. I'm confindent I can program a decent scaling routine to make the dungeoneer smaller as he moves away from the 'camera' and so on.

I'm busting my ass to get something interactive up here soon. Please continue to watch this space as expertly as you've all done up to this point.

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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by Skarkill »

I'm likeing what I'm seeing Skip.

I'm not sure about what Series feel I get from those room desings.

Seems like a cross between the early series and S8 to me.

But either way there


I look forward to futuer updates and of corse The Game it's self.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SemtexJack »

Sentiments seconded Skarky me ol'mucka.

Have been watching this for a while and it is very promising.

I await new updates with increasing excitement and can't wait for the finished product.

As for the series theme, there does seem to be a leaning towards Series 1-3, which I'm not complaing about as I really liked the darker themes in these series but there is surely a place in the game for rooms from the later series or based on such rooms.

Although I have only a basic knowledge of programming (and that was mostly in Pascal, I know, I feel old now) if there is anything I can do to help then just ask.

Keep up the good work Skip. We all appreciate it.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

Laavley indeed.

I've been continuing with the graphics work, building up rooms from the basic layouts you saw earlier and adding things like textures, rock walls, torches, ornamental detail and gameplay features like pits and wells. It's slowly but surely taking shape. Another bonus, if you could call it that, is that one of my major design clients pulled the plug on their project, so now I can dedicate nearly all of my design time to getting this thing going. Too bad in one way, but pretty fortunate in another!

I've sketched out a series of 12 rooms which I will be using for Level One. It's extremely old school, nearly every one of the rooms will be recognisable from the first three series. I will be including Dwarf Tunnels in some capacity though. It won't be til Level 2 and 3 before the knives - and spears, and fireballs, and spikes - really come out, but it will be worth it.

My aim for this month is to get the 12 Level One rooms working in sequence, which will then form the basis of the first playable demo. Hopefully that will get your appetites whetted for the rest of it. Unfortuantely, some minor things - moving house, blah blah - will get in the way for the next few weeks, but when I get back, it'll be with a bang.

Look out...

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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SemtexJack »

How Long do you envisage this taking? It's not that I'm impatient for it, not at all :) I am just interested in how many hours you reckon you'll have dedicated to it when it's finished.

Could this be the first in a series of games created. I do know one person who is a Knightmare fan and is versed in creating Flash games who I'm sure could knock a few things out in the future if you ever decided not to continue.
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Re:Here's a mad idea...

Post by SkipTheDreadnort »

See, I've never made a game in Flash before. I've made games in BASIC, Commodore 64 6510+, assembly, DIV-Basic, Klik & Play, SEUCK, 3D Construction Kit, and yes, even PASCAL - but never in Flash. As a result, I'm learning as I go, mostly through trial and error. But I'm improving all the while. My first KM room took 3 hours to get right. I can do them in half an hour now.

I'm going home now to try and get something substantial for you to see. I'll post it later in the week. I dunno what it will be, but it'll certainly be of interest.

Does your buddy have a site with some of his Flash stuff on that I could have a peek at?

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