What is your earliest memory Of KM?

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What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Skarkill »

In a change from my useual post  I have decided to ask what people earliest memory of The Greater Game is.

My earliest memory (In fact My first) Is of watching an episoed of Knightmare S4 while I was off sick from school recovering from an epelecptic fit.

I was laying on the couch feeling bored and slitly deppresed :(???. I couldn't go anywere because my legs were weak after spending a week and a bit in a hospital bed.

Anyway I was watching CITV but not paying it much attention because I usualy watch CBBC but I couldn't move to change the chanal so I was just half paying attetion.

The presenters Jenne & Scally The Puupet Dog were anouncing the results of a compation. I don't remeber much of what they said exept fro the intro for the next show.

Jenne: Thanks for that we'll give you the winner later.

Scally: Yes, But put that cardborad down my dear girl becaus its time..... FOR KNIGHTMARE

I lagugh slitly :D at this and at Jenne's facial exprsion it was a classic, a mixtuer of shock & mock fear.

I assumed it was a cartoon watching the main titles when I saw Treagurd however I became disintrested assuming it was some sort of kids dramar series like CBBC's Grange Hill witch I never watch so I tuned out.

However as the show progressed I found myself drawn to it and when I relised it was a game show/dramr for kids I became hooked even if I didn't quite understand it.

I was off for 3 more weeks and Knightmare cheerd my up ever Friday :) :)  and continued to do so after I returned
to school.

If not for that Epeleptic Fit I don't think I would ever have seen Knightmare.

So thers my earliest KM Memory I have other great and found memories of The Greater Game but thats my first so the most special one to me.

Whats Yours?
Last edited by Skarkill on 27 Nov 2003, 17:04, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by MoanaLiza »

I can't remember exactly when I first started watching Knightmare, but I believe that it was during series 3. Series 3 seems to be the series that sticks out in my mind more than others and really the only one I can remember out of the whole lot. The funny thing is is that I remember Pickle (who I used to fancy) quite clearly and believe I watched it as late as the quiche LF, but I don't remember Majida though. Other characters and things which stick out in my mind though are Motley and Melisandra, Treguard (of course), The Oracle and dungeoneer lifting the helmet up and shutting eyes to listen, ghost spell to go through walls, goblins and especially the goblin horn which used to make me panic more than the teams, Merlin and the three magic steps throne room, the dice room, s3 dwarf tunnels, The kitchen and I think that that's about it. Things I believe I remember but am not sure are Mrs. G and Festus, Wall Monsters, The ledge where Ross fell off and that's about it at the moment. Some of the bits/characters which I remember originally though, I couldn't remember what they were all called. I remembered Treguard as already mention but couldn't remember his name though.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Elita »

My earliest Knightmare memory is Igneous of Legend from Series 2. (and prolly explains why I have a fondness for wall monsters) I remember thinking that he looked like he was made out of cushions, and also trying to make him out of the convieniently orange pillows in the lounge.

Earliest memory of a specific event would be Julian and co winning the quest for the Talisman, also in S2. The guillotine door scared the utter crap out of me.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by GrimaldineGrimwold »

LOL, lots of great early memories there.

I don't remember specific incidents from the early series, but I definitely remember Casper the Key and Lillith. I must have been watching it from Series 1, because I do remember talking about it in school. I also remember a supply teacher getting on to me because in a silly story I wrote I'd obviously been so corrupted I couldn't spell the word "nightmare" properly. Darn you, Tim Child, and your corrupting creation! ;) Although I do remember a lot of things from early on, there are a lot of things I don't remember from the first time around, like Mrs. Grimwold and Festus.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by MoanaLiza »

At series 1 I would've barely been able to read and write at that time yet alone spell (K)nightmare. I don't know how or why I started watching Knightmare regularly or infact even how I came to start watching it. I probably started watching it through finding it from watching a programme which was on before hand. Looking at an old newpaper TV guide cutting for 8.9.89 where the CITV section is under the series guides section, it says that Ghost Train Special was on right before Knightmare. I used to love watching Ghost Train on Saturday mornings, which I used to get up for even though I couldn't get up for school during the week. I believe I used to watch the Ghost Train specials, which were on right before Knightmare and so that's how I may have gotten around to watch Knightmare. But then again it could be the other way around where Knightmare started me off on watching Ghost Train, but I'm not sure which though.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Cull »

Definitely Season 2.

I know I saw the first winning dungeoneer, but although I can't recall seeing anything that happened earlier than that in the season, I know I was watching it for a while before then... so it's probably around there that my first memories lie.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Melisandrinoff »

I remember watching it while having my tea with my brother...I've no idea when I started watching it, it can't have been in the early series because I would have been too little - the things I remember are Lord Fear and the spyglass scenes, because the red eyes used to scare me ;) and the Smirkenorff rides, because I loved him, he grooved.  I remember really enjoying it, and asking one of my friends if she wanted to go on it with me, which she did - unfortunately, that was 1994, and it stopped - I was gutted.  But yeah - the red eyes and Smirky are the things I remember clearly from watching it first time round :) Oh, and Pickle and Treguard of course, because I thought Pickle was funny ;)
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by King_Gazz »

my earliest memory of knightmare wud have to be near the end of series 2 when team 11 forgot to give lilith the potion and died instantly wen they offered her the humbugs. lol o well should have used ur brains team 11 s2
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by FrightKnight »

Funnily enough, I seem to remember the purple eye shield sequences the most from s4, then I remember the causeways, the corridor of blades (seem to remember them most from s8 for some reason, even thought they never changed), Lord fear and the spyglass scenes mainly from the latter stages...

I remember the scrolls of s5, the update display from s4-8 (even those peculiar coin display things in s7 +8).

But the earliest is the thing I hated a fair bit on now watching it again. The s4 Eye Shield sequences. Probably because they were shown again and again.

Bits I remember most from s6-8:

Team dying in final causeway s7.
Blockers that still terrified me in s6.
Trial by spikes.
Zillions of flameballs in s7 and 8.
The final scene of s8, with the Smirkenhoff flight (for the last time). Don't remember Lord Fear's closing rant.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Drassil »

I have a memory of switching on the TV and hearing the words, 'OK, Mark - walk forward'. I was rooted to the spot in fascination. After that, I remember a dungeoneer being asked a question about powder colours, and Julian winning his quest, so I must have watched further episodes. It wasn't until I found knightmare.com that I discovered that I'd been watching Series 2.

Another clear memory is watching the first episode of Series 6 with my friend; we laughed ourselves silly at the new opening credits. How on earth does the dungeoneer in them manage to run around with such agility, with the Helmet on? No doubt this has been discussed on the Forum before now.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Malefact »

Series 1, programme 6 - the only episode ever to feature two deaths! :)

It was two days before my fifth birthday and I have a very good recall of that episode. When someone gets blown up and you're confronted with a Life Force death for the first time and you're not exactly sure what's going on, you tend not to forget. :D
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by LordF »

My earliest memory is in Serire 8 when A Dungoneer turned himself into Lord Fear and fool Sly Hand into rowing the boat so he could get out of the Sewers of Goth.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by SrWilson3S »

My first earliest memory was seeing series 3 and seeing Golgarach and Brangwen for the first time -> was quite intimidating at age 6 years old lol.
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by JamesA »

What is your earliest memory Of KM?
Watching the first episode of Knightmare on a Monday afternoon in 1987  ;D
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Re: What is your earliest memory Of KM?

Post by Brangwen »

I seriously can't remember. I can remember when I was young watching Series 8, however my memory is incredibally vague, all I can remember physically is the last episode, the winning quest which I didn't expect them to win, and some rooms such as the Corridor of Blades and the Trial By Spikes.

However I KNOW I can remember the original life force clock, and I swear I must have seen at least one ep of Series 4 that had Oakley in it.

Wish my memory was better, hmph.
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