30th Anniversary Knews?

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30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by DuxBellorum »

Greetings All!

We are TWO DAYS away from the 30th anniversary of Knightmare!

There seems to have been very little talk about it on the forums, apart from one or two vague comments.

There doesn't seem to have been much buzz about it online either - Even the Knightmare Twitter account and Facebook page have been very quiet on the upcoming 3-0.

Is there anything special planned?

Is there anything special left?

There is, unless I've missed it, no big talk about a 2nd convention, seemingly no DVD release forthcoming, Knightmare isn't currently on Challenge and forum activity seems to be down.

Has Lord Fear finally won?

I don't write this to appear negative, but I thought that now would have been the perfect time to get Knightmare back in peoples minds and really celebrate the Greater Game.

Barring something major like a new episode/series, a DVD release or a 2nd Convention, the 30th anniversary could well be the last "big" moment Knightmare has.

I'm just rather sad it all seems to be a little too quiet! :'( :'(
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Mystara »

DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 Greetings All!

We are TWO DAYS away from the 30th anniversary of Knightmare!

There seems to have been very little talk about it on the forums, apart from one or two vague comments.
Yes, that's pretty much the shape of things.
As always seems to be the way, people have politely pointed to this date for the last year or two, and there's been lots of enthusiasm for doing something. Unfortunately, nobody has actually pushed forward a suggestion, started the ball rolling on anything, or shown any particular enthusiasm for any specific idea that has been put forward.

Therefore nothing happens.
DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 There doesn't seem to have been much buzz about it online either - Even the Knightmare Twitter account and Facebook page have been very quiet on the upcoming 3-0.
Probably because, again, there's nothing to say.
DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 Is there anything special planned?
Depends what you mean by special.
I'm sure we'll get out an article or make a post about how it's been 30 years.
I have a couple of projects bubbling along where I might be able to get something out tomorrow. But they all rely on other people giving up their free time to send me missing pieces.
DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 Is there anything special left?
I'm aware of eight projects on the go at the moment, from the small to the monumental, all at varying levels of completeness. At least some of those would be considered "special", I think most would be considered to be "pretty cool".
DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 There is, unless I've missed it, no big talk about a 2nd convention, seemingly no DVD release forthcoming, Knightmare isn't currently on Challenge and forum activity seems to be down.
Second convention - Has been investigated over the last three months. We're going to visit a potential venue this Saturday. If it's suitable and we can get costings, we can talk to Tim about it when he has some spare time. However, from a financial perspective, things don't look good and from a legal perspective, there are other things that might get in the way.

DVD release - TV networks aren't interested. To be done privately needs a lot of money. I've told the community what they need to do in order to make this happen. Ball's in your (plural) court.

Challenge - Beyond our control.
DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 Has Lord Fear finally won?

I don't write this to appear negative, but I thought that now would have been the perfect time to get Knightmare back in peoples minds and really celebrate the Greater Game.

Barring something major like a new episode/series, a DVD release or a 2nd Convention, the 30th anniversary could well be the last "big" moment Knightmare has.

I'm just rather sad it all seems to be a little too quiet! :'( :'(
So why not organise something? The examples you've given above are ridiculously complex, but even if we consider only those, any individual could have:

- Drummed up support for another convention
- Written to the networks to ask them to consider a DVD release and/or gather the required support we need as I've mentioned elsewhere for us to do this privately
- Written to challenge and asked when Knightmare is returning

After all, if you don't do it, who will?
At a more manageable level, why not organise a meetup?
Or participate in or start a project?
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Canadanne »

I'm still hoping that James' leftovers from the 25th Anniversary documentary may surface eventually!
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Picklemyfav »

happy birthday knightmare.......... :D 8) ;)

i hope everyone is celebrating the birthday of knightmare today....... i was telling people in the pub what day it was....

hope this convention does go ahead.. :D

and again happy birthday knightmare
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by DuxBellorum »

I've just finished watching the first episode!

I watched it at 4:45, exactly as I did 30 years ago, on the VHS I recorded it on, 30 years ago!! :D :D :D
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Mystara »

As promised:

I'll publicise it more widely once things calm down a little.
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by DuxBellorum »


Thank You for posting, looking forward to the next installment... :)
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Greystagg »

Thanks for the video, great idea! Looking forward to part 2.
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Drassil »

Hi, Dux Bellorum (James?). Thanks for starting this thread. There may have been others who felt the same as you.

In terms of whether you need to feel sad, I think it's a matter of perspective.

In my opinion, too much emphasis is placed on round number anniversaries in general. Knightmare is special to me every day. Its 30th anniversary was frankly no more special, and no less special, than any other day.

There was 30th anniversary coverage on our website and social media, which reached a lot of people. But these places exist to celebrate Knightmare continually, to entertain and engage Knightmare fans whatever the date. As voluntary spare-time projects, I think they've done a good job of this over the years.

As for when to make announcements and releases, I'd say the perfect time is whenever they are ready. James A's 25th anniversary documentary came out three months after the anniversary day - and as this was something he worked on in his free time, we can't fault him for that.

I share Alan's disappointment that more fans are not making more contributions. Knightmare.com is a community rather than a service. However each of us wants Knightmare to thrive in the future - repeats, releases, new episodes, interviews - a thriving, positive fan community can only help.
Alan wrote: 07 Sep 2017, 22:20 As promised:

I'll publicise it more widely once things calm down a little.
It was a pleasure to be involved in this. I hope those of you who've met David Rowe at conventions, and those who haven't, will enjoy these videos. If there's any justice, Knightmare and its art will be timeless.
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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by KaM »

DuxBellorum wrote: 05 Sep 2017, 16:44 I'm just rather sad it all seems to be a little too quiet! :'( :'(
Hi there. Better to feel something than nothing at all!

As Alan says, there are things in the pipeline. It's just tricky because we've got busier lives than before and it takes a lot of co-ordination to put the pieces together.

As you've seen, we've got some behind-the-scenes material to share. (I can't believe how long my hair is there. Next stop is a Pat Sharp!)

From my point-of-view, I've been working on a revamp to the Series section, so that every team gets its own page (like Series 1), and a fuller summary.

I'm really excited about this because we haven't yet had a nice unit or page for each team, where we can combine memories, quotes, and other bits and pieces for each quest.

I started this four months ago thinking that would be ample time. More fool me. It hasn't been long enough! But we're starting with Series 8 this weekend and it should all get completed over the autumn.

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Re: 30th Anniversary Knews?

Post by Mashibinbin »

You only get out what you put in to be honest. As a long standing (dis)respectable community member I can say that with feeling. You have to either make things happen or participate when opportunities arise - take a look at the Midhunt Hunt games we've tested across the country - they don't appear overnight and take considerable planning but if not enough volunteers come forward then the results aren't tarnished but are certainly diminished. If you can't directly participate thats fine but not even bothering to respond seems to be prevalent all too much these days. There are other easier ways to get involved tho - you can review episodes, characters and even submit articles for us all to share.

That said I'm glad to have participated in a variety of ways over the years and count some people I've met in this time doing so as very important to me indeed. Knightmare and it's legacy will not be forgotten but its' flame can only be kept alive by actions and words...here's to another 30 everyone.
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