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Re: Book

Post by Mystara »

There's a forum reorganisation somewhere on the list.
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Re: Leahra

Post by Canadanne »

Canadanne wrote:I have some questions about the first Knightmare novella. [...]

So, the two things I'm wondering about at the moment are:

1) When Leahra was imprisoned by the Gruagach at Knightmare Castle, why was she concocting potions for him? The Gruagach got really mad when one of Vestan's henchmen spilt a few drops in the dungeon while bringing them to him. I can't quite imagine what these potions were for, or why the Gruagach couldn't make them himself.

2) What exactly is the significance of Treguard finding a Dunshelm medallion around Leahra's neck? Again it sends the Gruagach into a rage, for some reason. I can't see what it adds to the scene and I don't know if I'm missing something. (Can the villains at Knightmare Castle actually hear their conversation via the magic Eye, or does it only show images? I wouldn't have thought it transmitted sound, but the Gruagach knows that Treguard received Leahra's warning, even though she would have appeared to be a motionless corpse throughout the scene. I'm not sure if that's down to his psychic powers or what.)

Any thoughts?
I think maybe I understand (2) now, after re-reading that scene and thinking about it some more. If you recall, Treguard decides to return to England because "I have unfinished business there", i.e. he wants revenge on Vestan. When Leahra warns him that he's riding into a trap and he reacts very dismissively, she says "Do you think I spent my own life just to help you get your castle back? There is much more at stake than your lost birthright. [...] [The Gruagach's] evil must be overcome, or it will bring a darkness without dawn." Again Treguard basically says he doesn't care about "this Gruagach" and his schemes - obviously considers the matter none of his business - and tells her "I want only my home and my estate". He eventually shuts up and listens to her instructions, but even then he seems to find them absurd ("Where could I find a dragon in this day and age?")

After she's gone, he finds the Northguard medallion: "He knew that the emblem was the symbol of the Dunshelm clan and of their duties to the realm." I think Leahra wanted to remind him that he does have a responsibility to protect his country from the evils that may befall it. This ensures he not only takes her advice seriously, but is also open to Folly's later suggestion about becoming the new Dungeon Master, rather than simply reclaiming his property and then washing his hands of "the struggle against evil". The Gruagach is annoyed because Treguard has now been dissuaded from facing him unprepared.

I'm still puzzled by the potions thing, though...
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Re: Book

Post by Picklemyfav »

Is the comic book called Knightmare related to the Knightmare books that i tried looking for in Waterstones in glasgow today and couldn't get. ???
[Out of print.......WT......Why?...................] ???
Are they printing more Knightmare books in the future? ??? :D ;) :question:
[Its like being born after Doctor Who ended then finding out about Doctor Who from your parents who watched it.] :'( Ggggggrrrrrrrr some pesty Goblin's gonna pay for this.
[Before the remake happened of course. :) :D Can only hope that Knightmare gets a remake. :) :exclaim: :D ]
Discovered a cool second hand book in Otago Lane when i came home and checked online. :) :D Then found this comic called Knightmare. ??? Didn't know the tv show had a comic i thought to myself at the time i best ask the others see if they did. ???

Did Knightmare have a comic? ??? :question: Called Knightmare with a picture of a Knight on the cover. ???

I have just watched the whole of series 1 8) :D and wonder why they replaced Knightmare with a programme about a talking fish in a computer that seemed to talk in water who was in a spaceship and who wasn't an alien ??? who i feel done his human crew in before that series started 8-o ::) ........ Bad choice i feel. That programme didn't make any sense to my logical mind and i was only seven then.
Still feel that fish was trouble. ;) Knightmare would have made more sense. B-|>

I also think that Lord Fear took the Dungeon at the point Knightmare ended and that other thing began. :idea: Treguard was helped to take back the dungeon from Lord Fear by the elf known as Pickle. :idea: Think the genie may have used her wishes at that point but haven't seen enough for her to decide what happened to her. Maybe Lord Fear took her prisoner. :idea:
After Treguard took the dungeon back :D the talking fish got fried in the local chippy ;D and the replacement got canned. :P He then fell asleep waiting for someone to call.

Anyone know where you can get Knightmare books about? :question: Any other second hand book shops in Ayrshire or Glasgow that you know of that i maybe haven't seen about? :question:

Breaking news just found out :exclaim:
Knightmare board game? :question: Where? :question:
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Re: Book

Post by Canadanne »

I've never heard of a Knightmare comic, so I would guess it's unrelated to the TV show.

I picked up the Knightmare books very cheaply on Amazon Marketplace a few years ago.
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Re: Book

Post by JamesA »

Picklemyfav wrote:Did Knightmare have a comic? ??? :question: Called Knightmare with a picture of a Knight on the cover. ???
No official comic for Knightmare, although I do recall a few comic strips featuring in The Quest fanzine when Knightmare was originally shown on TV (the comic with the character Knightmare as a vigilante fighter is completely unrelated to the TV show).
Picklemyfav wrote:Anyone know where you can get Knightmare books about? :question:
As Canadanne has mentiuoned, Amazon or there's also the likes of Ebay, Awesome Books and World Of Books. The first six books can easily be purchased online for a few quid each, although the last book "Lord Fear's Domain" is a bit harder to find and therefore tends to be on sale via the same websites for a slightly higher price.
Picklemyfav wrote:Breaking news just found out :exclaim:
Knightmare board game? :question: Where? :question:
Again, this was brought out around the time Knightmare was shown on TV. Copies usually appear on Ebay from time to time but when they do, you can usually expect to pay around £30 upwards for them.
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Re: Book

Post by Picklemyfav »

will get my dad to look on ebay and amazon. :D 8) thanks for the two other websites. :D 8) will check there also. :D
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Re: Book

Post by Picklemyfav »

Have got five of the books now and been reading them for the past two weeks.
Just a thought about the fourth book. Maybe Pickle didn't know he was an elf at first. Maybe he was under a spell for a bit and Treguard freed him. Maybe after being with Treguard for a while he found out about his true nature. Then we see him on the show.

Another story needs written i feel........ to tie the books together with the show.
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Re: Book

Post by Pooka »

Picklemyfav wrote:I have just watched the whole of series 1 8) :D and wonder why they replaced Knightmare with a programme about a talking fish in a computer that seemed to talk in water who was in a spaceship and who wasn't an alien...
That was Virtually Impossible. I actually quite liked it, although I suspect I'm in a bit of a minority there. There are a couple of threads about it - here and here are good places to look.
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Re: Book

Post by Picklemyfav »

by Pooka » Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:59 pm

Picklemyfav wrote:
I have just watched the whole of series 1 and wonder why they replaced Knightmare with a programme about a talking fish in a computer that seemed to talk in water who was in a spaceship and who wasn't an alien...

That was Virtually Impossible.
My seven year old self hasn't forgotten that fish. Shudders. ;) Hope he was cookable. ;D I still feel that i would have loved Knightmare 8) :D more then that Virtually Impossible even as a seven year old. Knightmare 8) :D would have made more sense. Some of the challenges in Virtually Impossible were good but i think it was missing something. Like a better back story for that fish for a start. I only remember seeing a couple of episodes of it. Mostly because i didn't trust that fish as it didn't make sense with the way it talked and believed rightly or wrongly that the fish had done away with his original human crew.
Art Attack was good. :D Singing Kettle News was good. :D Knightmare is up there with Raven. :D I loved Raven when it was on. :D

Virtually Impossible...... Just needed a lot more work done on it. A lot more. And that fish to make sense. Talking under water......what? Then seven year old me might have enjoyed it more. As it is... seven year old me......
if i had had seen Knightmare 8) :D as a seven year old that is..... wants Knightmare more 8) :D .......
As Knightmare 8) :D makes sense.

I think looking back they rushed it through. That's why it made little sense.
But Knightmare 8) is still better [my own opinion based of what i have seen so far of both programmes] at this point in time. :D

I might have liked Virtually Impossible if the fish hadn't spoiled it for me. ::)
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