The decks of the ship, the Cloudwalker, from Series 6 (1992).


By David Goldstein

A seaborne galleon, with a hostile but helpful captain, that could help dungeoneers progress to Level 3 and the last dungeon.

Opposition minions weren't allowed on board the Cloudwalker, sparing dungeoneer passengers from imminent danger.

Although dwarf tunnels brought dungeoneers to and from the Cloudwalker, Captain Nemanor was himself cursed never to leave it.

The vessel itself was cursed never to find land, unless the astrolabe Nemanor acquired from Team 5 helped to break that curse.

Team 3 met Elita onboard, then went below decks and through a hatch to proceed with their quest. Team 7 visited to collect the ship's lightning rod.

The decks of the Cloudwalker, as seen in Series 6 of Knightmare (1992).

Rowing boats continued to feature in Knightmare, but we didn't see a galleon again until the CGI Golden Galleon in Series 8.

While the name Cloudwalker owes something to Skywalkers and Dawn Treaders, its real-world location is unconfirmed - so if you recognise it, please get in touch!

This vessel, unless I'm mistaken, can cross more than just oceans.


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