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Three words.

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 13:10
by Trial_by_Spikes
I have derived immense pleasure recently from playing a game with friends called "Knightmare in three words" and this game frequently crops up on the Warwick radio show that is mentioned on this forum.

Basically, you've got to describe Knightmare (or a character from said series) in no more than three words. I think I've got the programme down to a tee. My description is simply "Where am I?" Oh, I am a sad man, but the game is fun. You can apply the format to anything, Majida, the corridor of Blades, Snapper Jack. Endless fun.

PS I am starting to grow a Hugo Myatt style beard - I am fortunate enough to have the same colour hair as the dungeon master yet is not gray-flecked. Would anyone like to join me in some kjind of beard growing bonanza?

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 15:54
by Malefact
The Corridor of Blades: Veteran Kiddie Killer!

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 17:19
by Trial_by_Spikes
Good one. Miremen - slow, fat, rubbish.

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 19:14
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Majida has to be "Eees too deefeecult". It's what everyone remembers of her.

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 21:36
by Trial_by_Spikes
Ridolfo - Super Mario Clone

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 21:41
by Emii
Lord Fear - Out of eyeshadow.

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 21:46
by Trial_by_Spikes
Mogdred - better than Fear

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 23:44
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Sidriss- "Insert Brain Here".

Re: Three words.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 23:57
by Emii
Mogdred - too much foundation

Fear - rather good looking

Treguard - manic glaring machine

Gretel - Am I pretty

Marta - I'm a lizard

Lissard - my breath stinks

Dungeoneer - horny little bugger

[the one about Fear was a joke btw...]

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 00:23
by Debz_g
You all know how fond I am of Hugo, but there are only three words to describe a season 3 Treguard and those words are: Too Much Tan!  ;D

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 03:05
by GrimaldineGrimwold
You all know how fond I am of Hugo, but there are only three words to describe a season 3 Treguard and those words are: Too Much Tan!  ;D
And don't the Challenge? announcers like to mention it! Every week or two one of them cracks the same old joke. Pity it isn't a realistic shade, and also that it doesn't get anywhere near his hairline, so there's a very light line just underneath his hair.

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 04:25
by Trial_by_Spikes
Please don't insult Hugo Myatt. His beard was the altar of my youth. I even watched Zig-Zag when he was in it just to catch a glimpse of his beard. And to see him in a toga. But I'm not gay. Though to tell you the truth, I could understand any straight man choosing Treguard over Majiida since she was just so damn annoying. That voice still grates ten years on.

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 11:22
by DavidNewton
Mogdred: The moogle. Kupo.

And sorry to go on about it if I'm the only person to find it funny <¦-(

Scarkill: Fearship. Lordship. Lovely.

Snapper Jack: Not a biscuit

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 14:23
by benprice606
Level 1-3 shortcuts:  political cop out

Re: Three words.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 17:43
by DavidNewton
True. And welcome to the board.