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Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 21:46
by GéZ
Well Series 2 and Series 3 are the series I've watched the most, so I will go for one of them. I believe that Kelly was killed by Mr Grimwold ;)

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 21:51
by Redthir
GéZ wrote:Well Series 2 and Series 3 are the series I've watched the most, so I will go for one of them. I believe that Kelly was killed by Mr Grimwold ;)
Technically it was a lock in, actually. There are 2 correct answers for this.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 21:59
by Eyeshield
I'm afraid I would not accept "lock in" as an answer, as the question specifically asks for the "creature, person or thing" that kills them, i.e. in the physical sense - I hope that wasn't unclear from the start!

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:02
by Redthir
Eyeshield wrote:I'm afraid I would not accept "lock in" as an answer, as the question specifically asks for the "creature, person or thing" that kills them, i.e. in the physical sense - I hope that wasn't unclear from the start!
It's just me being my annoying self. Kind of like a certain person from TFOR. :P

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:04
by Eyeshield
Gez says Kelly - Mr Grimwold. Let's see what that scores her...
pointless6.jpg (10.08 KiB) Viewed 3865 times
Kelly needed a wax crayon to create a wellway at the end of level one, but with only a useless bit of bullion in hand, she was at Mr Grimwold's mercy. Gez, you score 6 points.

Let's take a look at the whole board:
We're halfway through Round 2, so let's see how the scores stand:

Answer 1 - 5
Answer 2 - ?

Answer 1 - 4
Answer 2 - ?

Answer 1 - 6
Answer 2 - ?

As any idiot can see, this round is still wide open. The second pass is coming shortly. Once again, we'll come back down the line, and whichever player has the highest score at the end of the round will be eliminated!

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:28
by Eyeshield


You're about to see a board of seven clue objects. We asked 8 people to tell us in which series of Knightmare each object made its debut.

To clarify, we are looking for the first series in which each object appeared as an option for a dungeoneer to pick up, even if it was rejected - so that's the first series in which the object was seen! Please bear in mind that the object may not have been referred to on its debut by the same term I have used in the table - in this case, names don't really matter!

Players, you must each choose an object and identify its debut series. We have got:
Gez, you're up. Post your clue object and its debut series.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:36
by GéZ
Spyglass, Series 5

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 22:55
by Eyeshield
Gez says Spyglass - Series 5. Let's see what that scores her...
pointless7.jpg (10.23 KiB) Viewed 3862 times
We first saw a spyglass in the first episode of Series 5, and we actually saw another one (or maybe it was the same one all the time!) in every single episode of Knightmare right up until the end of Series 8, even though three of those episodes didn't actually feature a spyglass sequence! Another correct answer, Gez, but it's a biggie - you score 7 points.

Answer 1 - 5
Answer 2 - ?

Answer 1 - 4
Answer 2 - ?

Answer 1 - 6
Answer 2 - 7
TOTAL - 13

Ben, there are six answers left on the board for you:
Our current high scorer is Gez on 13. I'm sure you'll be glad to know, Ben, that you are definitely through to the head-to-head! So, are you going to try and choose a low scorer to scupper poor Ross? Please post your clue object and its debut series.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 23:05
by Redthir
I seem to recall one team in Series 1 giving Lilith a red gem.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 23:18
by Eyeshield
Ben says Red gem - Series 1. Let's see what that scores him...
pointless2p.jpg (9.38 KiB) Viewed 3861 times
You're quite right of course, Ben. Lillith was given a red gem (or ruby, as it was exclusively known for this appearance) by David in the very first episode of Knightmare! Congratulations for choosing the lowest-scoring answer in Knightmare Pointless so far, which adds another 2 points to your score.

Answer 1 - 5
Answer 2 - ?

Answer 1 - 4
Answer 2 - 2

Answer 1 - 6
Answer 2 - 7
TOTAL - 13

Ross, there are five answers left on the board for you:
Our current high scorer is Gez on 13. If you score 7 or less, you will be in the head-to-head with Ben. If you score 8, you and Gez will be in a tiebreak situation! Please post your clue object and its debut series.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 23:36
by GranitasIsCute
Aniseed, series 4

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 2

Posted: 23 Sep 2011, 23:42
by Eyeshield
Ross says Aniseed - Series 4. Let's see what that scores him...
pointless4.jpg (9.34 KiB) Viewed 3860 times
"Aniseed will take them off your trail" - Oakley. Well done, Ross - 4 points are added to your score.

Let's take a look at the whole board:
That's the end of Round 2, so let's see how the scores stand:

Answer 1 - 5
Answer 2 - 4

Answer 1 - 4
Answer 2 - 2

Answer 1 - 6
Answer 2 - 7
TOTAL - 13

That means, of course, that we have to say goodbye to Gez - bad luck and thanks for playing! For Ross and Ben, the head-to-head awaits... and the first question is coming soon!

Knightmare Pointless - Round 3

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 09:43
by Eyeshield
Congratulations to Ross and Ben for making it through to the head-to-head. You two are about to battle it out to be the first ever Knightmare Pointless champion, and earn the chance to find a Pointless answer in the jackpot final and win an ultra-cool, genuine, official Knightmare badge!


Whichever one of you wins the best of three questions will be our champion. Remember, I can only accept your first answer, so think carefully before you post.

We gave 8 people 100 seconds to name...


So that's any dungeoneer who summoned Merlin and listened to him chatting at some point on the third level. Please give your answer in the form of: "Dungeoneer's First/Given Name (Series X)"

Ben, because you have scored slightly less in the game so far, you get to post your answer first. Ross, you can post your answer as soon as Ben has given his - don't wait for me to say anything.

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 3

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 10:45
by Redthir

Re: Knightmare Pointless - Round 3

Posted: 24 Sep 2011, 11:14
by GranitasIsCute
Right - let's think about this. I don't think anyone got far enough to meet him in Series 1 (Richard almost did though!) and I don't think he met anyone on Level 3 in Series 4. Series 3 had just 3 Level 3-ers and Ross definitely didn't get far enough to meet Merlin, although I think Martn and Leo might have done. Series 2 I can't really remember the Level 3 dungeoneers so easily - obviously there are the winners Mark and Julian and then there's Chris who got killed by Medusa. I can't remember if there were any other Level 3 deaths in Series 2.
I'll avoid Mark because he's a winner, so it's really between Chris, Martin and Leo for me. I'm thinking Chris might be a good answer because lots of people forgot him in the last question but I'm not 100% sure he did meet Merlin. I'm going to say Martin (Series 3) and am hoping that it will at least score less than a winner.