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Re:Backup forum...

Posted: 31 Dec 2007, 17:42
by Drassil
The previous Knightmare Back-Up Forum,, is still open for business to existing members. If I see other people returning there to post, then I'll continue to post there too. :)

Re:Backup forum...

Posted: 31 Dec 2007, 21:31
by Velda
I'm back there...and I'll be posting ;D

Re:Backup forum...

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 00:29
by Velda
Romana wrote: I'm back there...and I'll be posting ;D
I do indeed ;)

I thought this was the best place to post this, as I've kind of made a new Off-Topic forum for people to post in (you guys included), since the original is accepting no new members and the one in the news fader no longer exists. It's not got a KM-related name or theme though, as I want people from other boards I'm a member of to join as well (if I can make them, lol!). I've called it "Rommie's Intergalactic Coffee House" and I'd be very grateful if you could join (and post) :)

The address is:

Re:Backup forum...

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 12:36
by Drassil
Velda wrote:I've kind of made a new Off-Topic forum for people to post in (you guys included), since the original is accepting no new members
That's not strictly accurate. If anyone new does want to post on, then arrangements can probably be made to ensure that it's possible. But no one has even tried to join since October 2005 - and that was you! ;D

'Qwaz' isn't just an Off-Topic Forum, it's also a been back-up Knightmare forum for times when this forum goes down - and it's performed that role well when needed. So, while I wish Rommie's Intergalactic Coffee House good luck (don't let Starbucks take you over ;)), I vote for Qwaz to be designated the KM community's official Back-Up/Off-Topic Forum once again. Putting it back in the news fader will remind and inform people about it.

Re:Backup forum...

Posted: 01 Sep 2008, 17:14
by Velda
Yep, I do agree with you ;) I'd like to see the Qwaz board a little bit busier again - I admit I didn't remember about the board being used if this one was down, sorry about that :-[ - so I'd like to see it in the news fader again as well :)