Parody of Live Forever by Chesney Hawkes

Knightmare-related musical parodies
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Parody of Live Forever by Chesney Hawkes

Post by Drassil »

Based on Chesney Hawkes' new single, Live Forever (2024). Official music video (with original lyrics in the description)

Is there a short cut
Right to Level 3?
We might get caught but
We'll set Hordriss free

We got just one chance
Gonna make it real
And Stiletta beside says, "Here's Reveal"
Now where's the door
To Level 3?

Let's turn this Reach Wand to the wall
Let's dodge the fire they shoot in balls
So here we go down the corridor
We will
Skip a level, skip a level, a level
Skip a level, skip a level, a level
Skip a level

'Book is for browsing'
By Sidriss you see
'Stick is for dowsing'
For Level 3

We got one last chance
If we're not cursed
And the dragon beside says, "Here, have BURST"
Now where's the door
To Level 3?

Let's move this dowser up the screen
Let's flee the miretrog, he eats teens
And Level 2's just what might have been
We will
Skip a level, skip a level, a level
Skip a level, skip a level, a level
Skip a level, skip a level, a level...
Knightmare: Kid-worthy, Naasty, Inspiring, Groundbreaking, Humorous, Treguard, Mesmerising, Adult-worthy, Rewarding, Essential.
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