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Knightmare meets Fawlty Towers and Blackadder

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 18:39
by Drassil
[Another day in Knitemair Towers.]

Treguard: Majida, give the new Dungeoneer the Helm and knapsack.

Majida: Que?

Treguard: Give... the NEW Dungeoneer... the Helm and the knapsack.

Majida: Que?

Treguard: GIVE... THE DUN-GEON-EER [Points at waiting Dungeoneer] THE HEL-MET.... AND.... THE KNAP-SACK! Understand?

Majida: You want me to give him sack? But he just arrived!

Treguard: [To Advisors] You'll have to excuse her, she's from Barcelona.

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 18:44
by HStorm
*Sigh!* Another one that was just bound to get thrown in eventually. How's about a Blackadder/Baldrick one and a Captain Kirk/Mr Spock one, just for good measure?

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 18:52
by Drassil
I've done a Kirk & Spock sketch. Browse back through this thread and you will find it.

Edit: I've found it for you...
[Treguard enters the antechamber clad in a Stafleet uniform, with gelled hair, and sits in his chair.]

Treguard: 'Dungeon Master's log, stardate 2112.3. We have arrived at... the new Phase of the Dungeon, on our mission to... retrieve the Cup that Heals, in order to halt the... plague on... Yeltom II. I have recruited a child to enter the... Dungeon and... locate the quest object.'

Pickle: [also in a Starfleet uniform, but with his usual eyebrows and ears] 'Master, it is highly illogical to send an untrained prepubescent humanoid into an unknown and potentially dangerous locale.'

Treguard: 'Mr. Pickle, with all due respect, no-one asked you. I'm giving the child a helmet for protection, what more do you want? [calls out] More power, Mr. McGrew!'

[McGrew runs in.]

McGrew: 'But Treguard, I've pushed the Dungeon as far as she'll go, she canna take any more!!'

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 19:04
by HStorm
Oh okay then.

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:14
by LordF
how about the famous Turnip scene between Lord Fear(Blackadder) and Lissard(Bladrick)?

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 22:49
by MPK
What about the infamous drinking scence;

Trgeuard, Pickle, Merlin, Hordriss and Lord Fear all sitting around a table drinking, wearing fake breasts, singing "See the little goblin, see him run...."

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 28 Jan 2004, 23:32
by HStorm
It actually goes...

"See the little goblin,
See his little feet,
And his little nosey-wose...
Isn't the goblin sweet?"


LF:  "What is so amusing?"

Hands:  "We... we found the dungeoneer, sir..." *SNICKERS*

LF:  "And?"

Lissard:  "His helmet, Lord-nessss... itsss hornsss... one of them'sss exactly the sssame shape..." *SNICKERS* " a thingie!"

LF:  "A thingie?"

Hands:  "A flippin' big one! It was t'riffic!"


Re:They would never say...

Posted: 10 Jun 2004, 23:42
by Drassil
[In honour of today's elections]

Hands: 'Ow about Captain Nemanor? 'Asn't 'e got a vote?

Lord Fear: He's got a boat, Hands.