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Knightmare meets Captain Planet

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 21:59
by Drassil
[A Dungeoneer is struggling in the Corridor Of Blades.]

Pickle: 'He needs help, Master! Help from... you know who.'

Treguard: 'Oh, very well, Pickle. The rings, Team.'

[One by one, each person in the room sticks out a hand, with a glowing ring on one finger.]

Advisor #3: 'Earth!'
Advisor #2: 'Fire!'
Advisor #1: 'Wind!'
Pickle: 'Water!'
Treguard: [Hesitates and huffs] 'Heart.'

A voice: 'By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet!'

[Captain Planet appears in the Antechamber, sees the Dungeoneer in the magic mirror, then flies to his aid.]

Captain Planet: 'You might wanna breeze on outta here, little fella!' [He conjures up a gust of wind to blow the Dungeoneer back along the corridor to safety.] 'They say that every clod hits a silver lining!' [He shoots clods of earth at the passing blades, causing them to seize up.] 'And now, to smelt your hearts!' [He superheats the blades, causing them to melt away.]

Advisors: 'Go, Planet!'

Captain Planet [turning to the camera]: 'The power is yours!'

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 00:37
by FrightKnight
Love the Captain Planet crossover!

Series 4:

Dungeoneer: Where am I?
Advisor: It looks like you're on a spindizzy. Take a small sidestep to your right.
(Dungeoneer takes huge sidestep to left, falling off spindizzy)
Treguard: Oh dear, team, you failed at the first hurdle.
Advisor 2: We travelled 500 miles from the Orkney Islands for this?
Treguard: Spellcasting: D-I-S-M-I-S-S.

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 09:53
by Lord_Bob
Shame no one did fall off the spindizzy, I would've loved to see that!

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 19:07
by King_Gazz
same goes for the wall monsters in the earlier series. how did akash the dungeoneer from series 2 get a truth spell?

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 19:40
by Lord_Bob
Hmm cant remember, will have to look that up

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 23:05
by JamesA
same goes for the wall monsters in the earlier series. how did akash the dungeoneer from series 2 get a truth spell?
He convinced that troll he was too ugly to eat. In return, the kind and sympathetic troll realised that Akash's team were going to do really crap in the dungeon, and generously gave them the Truth spell just so that their quest would go that tiniest bit further....

Re: They would never say...

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 14:17
by King_Gazz
Cheers mate