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Posted: 11 Jul 2003, 05:49
by Steve
hey guys have y'all been keepin an eye on the challenge forum? looks like we got the same situation happin there with the KM series 5 post.

Fingers crossed for the same outcome huh? but does any1 agree that it might be best if challenge were to bite the bullet, get all 8 series and show them from start to finish?

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 11 Jul 2003, 18:07
by Pickle123
obviously we think thats better however it'd be difficult to get challenge to think that way

if they were getting 0.5+ mill viewers for every ep then they wouldn't need convincing but as they aren't getting that...

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 11 Jul 2003, 18:29
by GrimaldineGrimwold
hey guys have y'all been keepin an eye on the challenge forum? looks like we got the same situation happin there with the KM series 5 post.

Fingers crossed for the same outcome huh? but does any1 agree that it might be best if challenge were to bite the bullet, get all 8 series and show them from start to finish?
Well, I hope people don't nag so much that Challenge get completely sick of it all. That might do far more harm than good.

On your last point, although I don't think they'd be best getting all 8 series at once, if they do decide it fits in with their plans to have more KM series in future, there's a strong case for them to stop buying a series at a time and instead buy two or even three. The problem I'd foresee is if it ever gets to the stage of having all 8 series on continuous loop (which would be a great situation to get to!). If they'd pesisted with their current strategy of getting one series at a time, the ratings across the 8 series run might fluctuate quite a bit, since they'd be possibly showing Series 2 (say, if that's the last they acquired) for the first time, but Series 3 for possibly the 25th time.

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 12 Jul 2003, 02:34
by Purgatory
Oh one season at a time..
they just started season 4 on a 2nd run give them a chance. lol

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 12 Jul 2003, 03:14
by Steve
IF they did get all 8 series in the near future surely it wud be better to start at series 1.

I would predict an ENORMOUS response for the first 2 series, particularly since most of us didnt get to see them first time round then perhaps a lull for series 3+4 followed by another boom for series 5-8. wouldnt the possible disinterest in the middle(certainly not on my part however) be balanced out by the bonus of having all 8 series in the correct order to watch.

I dunno about u guys but i believe having all 8 series on challenge is gunna happen regardless, y not speed things up a bit - im gonna be at uni from september and mite not have challenge I WANT KM BE4 I GO!

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 13 Jul 2003, 03:08
by Pickle123
well just make sure you mention that to challenge and im sure they'll be happy to get all 8 series ::)

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 13 Jul 2003, 17:27
by Steve
I did in my - hope to be another 200+ thread - post on their forum to get series 5 on, well it worked last time ;)

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 19:14
by Pickle123
lol, here that folks...can't be long to the announcement now ::)

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:12
by Steve
well they have asked us to cool it with the posting (i think) so maybe they realise that a 200+ thread is possible again. we shud get an announceent soon - either way

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 04:46
by Pickle123
yeah its like gg said lets not badger them for a bit and see what happens...

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 20 Jul 2003, 21:39
by Kieran
I get the impression Challenge are going to make a decision based on what numbers they see in front of them.  A handful of people of their forums asking for a new series....They are very unlikely to think of that as major support, at all.

So we just have to be hopeful, and THANKFUL we have HAD 2 full seasons already, with more than one showing of each.  No other channel has bothered in 5 years....So lets wait upon their decision.

Re: Deja-vu?

Posted: 21 Jul 2003, 05:40
by Pickle123
well said keiren.

*nutssy to my lack of challenge*