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Funny descriptions of rooms/objects

Posted: 09 Jul 2003, 13:06
by Velda
I decided to start this topic after remembering how I laughed when Barry (yep, him again! ;D) described Rothberry's stall, mentioning all the potions and then saying "and I can see a small wooden cabinet". Another funny thing about this is that Rothberry himself was nodding in agreement when Barry was describing it!  :D

Another thing was in the clue room previously, Barry said when he looked at the barrel "Right, on the barrel we have a nice helmet..." Lol!  ;D

The reason I remember those quotes so well is that for a while I had that quest on video (not any more, I had to throw the video out - mold grew on it  :( ).

Anyway, what are everyone elses favourite description of something in the dungeon - whether it's a character, room or object?

Re: Funny descriptions of rooms/objects

Posted: 09 Jul 2003, 20:24
by WhiteDevil
Mould?? It sounds to me like somebody has been storing their videos not in a cool dry place away from sunlight  ;)

And for mould to grow on them it sounds like the video was not seeing much action, im deeply disappointed  :o

