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Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 22 May 2003, 15:25
by Arcengal
It might generate some new interest for the show if someone did. Imagine: A stage with decent costumes and lighting, following a quest made up of some of the best bits of Knightmare.

Example of intro scene (parody of Series 8 intro):

(Lord Fear and the bunch are shouting at each other)

LF: Right! Quiet! Quiet you bunch of dolts! QUIET!!!!

(All goes quiet)

LF: Thank you. You should always be quiet when we've got company. (turns to audience) I've been listening to these dolts since 1994. 1994! Can you imagine the headache I've got?

(goes on...)

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 22 May 2003, 19:36
by Pickle123
that would be quite amazing! I'd love it! however, i fear those who loved knightmare are the only ones who would share my feelings...wouold still be cool to write though..

just as some thoughts (aint much good at words but visualisations...aint too bad)

you could have the three advisors sit in a sort of balconey high on stage so that they can always be seen by the audience and see the stage.


an interactive play! you the audience are the advisors and can have handsets (like those used in who wants to be a millionaire) to choose the path of the dungeoneer! the advisors could just help with the "where am i?" or maybe not even have em..i dunno. i like the idea though.

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 22 May 2003, 21:22
by Arcengal
Of course, the show becomes a bit of a rip-off if the audience make total idiots of themselves and choose the wrong route first time....

Ooh, nasty! Next!

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 23 May 2003, 01:34
by Pickle123
well, you could have several dungeoneers and they just have to start again. they get 1.5 - 2 hours for their cash regardless of wether they see lord fear 0 times because they dont make it out of the first room....or 4 because they're brilliant and get all four quest objects  :)

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 23 May 2003, 01:38
by Pooka
I started writing one called "Knightmare! - The Musical". It never got very far.

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 23 May 2003, 01:56
by Pickle123

My name is Treguard! I'm dungeon master
My name is Pickle, and I'm not!

that sorta thing ;D

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 26 May 2003, 04:32
by Trial_by_Spikes
James Fenton must be crying his eyes out somewhere...

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 07 Jun 2003, 23:04
by Emii
I write Knightmare stories.

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 07 Jun 2003, 23:23
by Aranel
A Knightmare musical could make it, you know, after all if Lord Of The Rings can do it.....
Although a play may be more appropriate

~Hi, btw!~

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 08 Jun 2003, 16:56
by Emii
Hiya Aranel! How art?

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 08 Jun 2003, 20:53
by Aranel
I'm fine and dandy thanks, listening to my Rent Soundtrack so I'm happy.
And if 'how art' wasn't meaning to ask how I was, I apologise.
I have a habit of switching off when I listen to my Rent CD.

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 08 Jun 2003, 22:03
by Emii
Nope nope you got it bang on, medear! You're fitting in just fine...where are you from, chicken?

As a writer by nature...

Posted: 09 Jun 2003, 17:40
by WhiteFloatingSkull
I find that Knightmare is full of HUUUGE potential for live audience participation with regards to it's story/game structure.

'Knightmare: LIVE - Feel the terror, live the adventure.'

Kinda sounds like a good idea, actually... ;D

Re: Anyone ever written a Knightmare play before?

Posted: 11 Jun 2003, 18:48
by Aranel
From outer london, Croydon.
It's not really the best place to live, but I visit my friends in Bedford and Hampshire as often as I can.
Croydon's only qualities is the cinema's and train links outta here!

Knightmare Live! - the draft story

Posted: 12 Jun 2003, 21:07
by Arcengal
(I wrote a topic about this in the BBK forum)

Basic Story:

The dungeon went absolutely barmy after the end of series 8 because the short cut through level 2 compromised it's foundations. As such, it's now trapped in a self contained reverse time bubble which relocates itself every time it returns to the start.

The impression given to the audience is that they are the first humans they have seen in ages and only they can help the dungeon reform, by grabbing the one quest object which has never been achieved: the Cup That Heals, so it can heal the dungeon.

However, the repeating time means Lord Fear can have as many dungeoneers as he wants to slaughter, and so he's trying to stop the dungeoneers reaching the cup.

The twist in the tale is that *this time* XD when the dungeon reaches it's older days, Modgred jumps onto the time bubble and deposes Lord Fear! LF decides to comprimise on his principles and gives the team a spell which they can use to DEFINITELY return safely, if they wish, or they can choose between two spells to defeat Modgred and retrieve the cup (Season 4, team 1 anybody?).

Meanwhile, there's a side plot about Pickle losing his voice in a bet (literally) and he causes all kinds of havoc looking for it.


(dungeoneers, who are actually actors)
Brother Olaf and Brother Mace
Folly and Motley

Lord Fear
Brollachan (possessed the guy who was looking for him, still dumb)
The Dreadnought
Goblins and things

Some wall monsters