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Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 12:42
by Mystara
I'm looking for help to transfer parts of the site in to a content management system. Ideally I need one or two people.
The job is pure data entry, there is no web design involved.

No special skills are required. Basic graphic manipulation and experience with Joomla would be an advantage but are not necessary.
There is a lot of work and it has to be done within the next month, so that's the time frame I'm looking at.

Contributor tags for those who volunteer.

If you're interested, contact me.

Re: Help needed

Posted: 30 Jan 2010, 21:22
by DarkComet
Tweeted this, and it's doing the rounds. With a bit of luck some help should be incoming.

Does this mean that stuff behind the scenes is being taken up a notch? *excitey excitey*

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2010, 19:46
by DarkComet
Forgive the double post, but this fellow has an interesting comment:
There MUST be a way to script that - even if it's not 100% accurate it'd be quicker than manually doing each entry by scratch
Food for thought?

Re: Help needed

Posted: 31 Jan 2010, 20:12
by Mystara
It's not trivial.
The pages are in HTML with very little to no structure. They're being imported in to Joomla and structure is being added to each section.

If the structure was already there then perhaps it could be scripted. In its current incarnation I'd spend much longer writing a script to import the files than I would to simply import the files.

Re: Help needed

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 19:42
by hindleyite
I'm presuming this is mainly copy paste stuff... is Joomla anything like WordPress?

As you may be able to tell I might have time to lend a hand.

Re: Help needed

Posted: 13 Feb 2010, 10:53
by Mystara
It's a bit more than copy and paste stuff.

I think we have enough volunteers now though, thanks.