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Here's an idea you've probably heard before...

Posted: 02 Feb 2008, 20:15
by Ironlord
...but I'm buggered if I know how I'd get it into the "Search" box.

I'm also one of those appreciative people of Jake Collins' "Classic Quest" posts in The Eye Shield, and it's good to see (some or most of?) the Classic Quests given a link on the "Teams" pages.

How about this: stick up some links from the "Characters" pages to TES' "Remember Him/Her?" for a bit of extra insight on any characters that have been reviewed. Maybe also the Big Issue articles (e.g. Motley vs. Folly, Gretel vs. Mellisandre, Mildread vs. Mrs Grimwold vs. Mistress Goddy, etc).

Just a thought...

Re:Here's an idea you've probably heard before...

Posted: 03 Feb 2008, 18:34
by Drassil
Ironlord wrote: I'm buggered if I know how I'd get it into the "Search" box.
I've always found, when using the search box on, that TES articles come up among the results of relevant searches.

In addition, for those that don't know, nearly all of The Eye Shield's Creature Feature, Remember Him/Her? and Classic Quest articles have been cross-posted to the Lexicon. Here is an alphabetical list of them, with links to each entry. The Lexicon also contains plenty of exclusive articles on characters etc. by other authors.

Re:Here's an idea you've probably heard before...

Posted: 07 Feb 2008, 12:51
by Fidjit
I like the one about the Greyling... "They only attack from the rear" LOL ;D