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Posted: 26 Nov 2002, 00:57
by Purgatory
How many versions of the frightnight trophy? were there? im sure there was 2?
when did they start giveing them out?

And is there any way of getting your hands on one??  ;D

Re: frightknight

Posted: 26 Nov 2002, 01:24
by JamesA
Yes you're right

The one in Series 5 and 6 was a big one meant to be shared by the team

The one in series 7 and 8 were smaller so that each member of the team could all have one with no quibbles ;)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 19:30
by Rainecloud
It's strange that Fear and Treguard mentioned the Fright Knights a lot, but they never actually appeared in a Dungeoneer's quest. Sure, they appeared above the doors of the descender as statues, and they appeared in the background of Lord Fear's chamber in series 5 and 6, but they never appeared in-quest...

And you've got next to no chance of getting hold of one. Make one yourself. ;)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 19:34
by GrimaldineGrimwold
And you've got next to no chance of getting hold of one. Make one yourself. ;)
Unless you can find an old winner who's in desperate need of some cash, it's time to get out the old egg boxes, cereal packets and sticky-back plastic. ;)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 19:44
by Rainecloud

Anyone from Worcestershire who recognises any of these girls should get in contact with us straight away. An address would be helpful, so that we can break into their house and nick their trophy. If asked, we'll blame it on a side-effect of the Arken spell...or something.

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 21:05
by Pooka
How many times to I have to remind people that they were in causeways in series 6?

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 21:11
by Treguard
and also, in the spyglass in series 5, you'll notice those exact same trophies appear  moving from left to right behind fear (if you look carefully you can even see the stand they were on!)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 21:15
by GrimaldineGrimwold
How many times to I have to remind people that they were in causeways in series 6?

[img width=252 height=190][/img]

You need remind us no more. :)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 22:05
by Purgatory
what was used before the knights trophys.

the big ones look like they have more detail in them and those small ones, is their a close up of a small one?
and i remember seeing the stands as they moved back and forth.. kinda off,  but the frightknight seems to be the knightmare logo and probs because it was never used as such, it would ruin the effect if they were used like other bad guys

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 22:26
by GrimaldineGrimwold
what was used before the knights trophys.
The "Silver Spurs Of Squiredom" were the original prize.
This is how they looked in Season 2:

[img width=256 height=192][/img]

The winning team in Series 4 (Dickon's team) were given medal things. I can't remember if they were referred to directly as the Silver Spurs though.

Re: frightknight

Posted: 27 Nov 2002, 23:00
by Pooka
Díckon's team were given medals, yes. Can't get a decent screen grab of one though. Anyway - they were flat discs rather than Frightknights (which hadn't been invented by then!). But by then the 'squiredom' idea appeared to have gone, so it was just beating the challenge, I guess. They were never referred to as the silver spurs, either.

(Edit: Hmm, it seems that this board turns díck into 'thingy'. We'll be discussing the novelist Charles Dickens soon enough.)

Re: frightknight

Posted: 28 Nov 2002, 01:23
by Purgatory
oh i remember them coins but not that great big silver thing... cool,
still think the knghts are worth fighting for,

Re: frightknight

Posted: 28 Nov 2002, 16:45
by Treguard
the year on them aside, did the design on the coins change much from series 2 to 4?

Re: frightknight

Posted: 29 Nov 2002, 11:02
by rachelesque
i think they should have given mince pies out at the end of the season (like the end of season 4 would have been much better if merlin made mince pies as well as decorations).  that would have given me something to fight for....

cakes or glory... cakes or glory... cakes or... cakes...

Re: frightknight

Posted: 30 Nov 2002, 17:56
by JamesA
(Edit: Hmm, it seems that this board turns dí£« into 'thingy'. We'll be discussing the novelist Charles Dickens soon enough.)
Charles Thingyens.... ho ho ho  ;D