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S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 17 Jul 2004, 23:01
by KFan

I feel that the pool room in series 3 was underused, and there could have been alot more uses for it. The fishing out of the exit was pretty cool, and so was the draining of the water.

Try to make your own ideas up

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 17 Jul 2004, 23:06
by Drassil
They could have had a character out on the water, in a boat... which they did in later series!

Perhaps a resident 'water monster' - an elemental balance to the wall monsters? Aquaeous Of Legend, perhaps...


In Ross' quest, the monster's stomach led to the Pool Room after the egg gave the monster indigestion. Does this mean that the room is a kind of lavatory/sewage works? If so, then Motley was a little hasty in going there for a bath!

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 00:22
by Tom41
I quite liked when there was a shark in the pool room (only happened once, if I remember right) and also when one of those magic swords came out of the pool.

What would be good is if the water swirled and turned into a huge hand that chased the dungeoneer until he reached the exit. But that would probably require more advanced real-time 3D rendering (to cope with the dungeoneer's movements) which simply wasn't available in 1989.
These days, a regular PC or games console can create the necessary effect in real-time, easily!

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 10:54
by HarveyTowers
The pool room was underused when you consider that the Dunswater and the Sewers of Goth were used in ever quest within their own series.

I love the series 8 moment with the miremen in Goth and it's a shame that they didn't have a similar moment in Series 3.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 11:39
by 123Pooka
Maybe the room could start to overflow, and fill gradually with water. This would be a cue for the dungeoneer to exit with haste.

Could have had a mermaid i.e a heroine much like Gwendoline, velda etc but one that lives in the water and gives helpful advice to dungeoneers.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 18 Jul 2004, 21:35
by MoanaLiza
Drassil wrote:Perhaps a resident 'water monster' - an elemental balance to the wall monsters? Aquaeous Of Legend, perhaps...
... a Lochness Monster type creature.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 20 Jul 2004, 15:03
by darkDescender
Well, I suppose we could always use the pool to drown Gretel. Or maybe just hold her under for a while and tell her it'll make her beautiful.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 23 May 2005, 22:38
by simiano
Thankfully gretal was dead before the S3 pool room thanks to the appearence of the much less annoing melliesandre. What if a wellway appeared from the pool room and rised out of the water the wouldve been a spectacle but it was a fake and they died of drowning. they souldve used the pool to restore life force.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 24 May 2005, 23:47
by Wolfshead
Wasn't there Jaws music when the shark came on?

I always used to like the Pool room. I don't think it was particularly under used because there were so many different rooms to use in series 3.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 26 May 2005, 22:30
by Malefact
Well, if it were the Jaws theme exactly, John Williams might have had something to say about it. :) As it is, I think it's a nudge-and-wink parody of it.

Re:S3 - Pool Room Uses

Posted: 26 May 2005, 23:09
by Wolfshead
Yeah that was it. The music was made to sound like the Jaws theme but it sticks in my mind as the actual Jaws theme. Sometimes they do a parody of Axel F on the Simpsons that has a similar effect.

Shark pool

Posted: 03 Apr 2007, 13:59
by steved
Does anyone remember the shark pool room? I can't remember what srries it was from but it was pretty weird and scary! The dungeoneer had to walk througha pool with a shark in it!

Re:Shark pool

Posted: 03 Apr 2007, 14:48
by Drassil
Hi, steved, and welcome to the forum. The pool room appeared on Level 1 of Series 3 a number of times, though the shark's fin was only seen there once (Martin's quest, Team 11). If you check the Series 3 pages on, you can find a picture of that. It certainly put the advisors into a panic.

There's an interesting topic about the room here: ... eadid=1577

I was thinking recently about the occasion when a sword rose out of the water. Could it have been a Lady Of The Lake reference?

Re:Shark pool

Posted: 03 Apr 2007, 15:52
by MrP
Drassil wrote: I was thinking recently about the occasion when a sword rose out of the water. Could it have been a Lady Of The Lake reference?
I always assumed that was the case - nice little touch I thought. I also vaguely remember the shark fin's appearance being accompanied by some Jaws-like music!

Re:Shark pool

Posted: 03 Apr 2007, 17:41
by Kieran
This was always my favourite room when I was young. It had good suspense. Martin's quest was also one of my favourites due to this!