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Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 16:32
by Naitch
Hi. I accedentally placed this in the Knews section of the forum. I feel it is much better placed in the genearal discussion section.

Here is a copy and pasted version of what was written...


Could Knightmare be a success today?

Could the magic be worked again on a 20 (almost) year old programme with a 10+ year hiatus?

10 years, in today's must-have-now society that's such a long time!

Too long?

Would the children/teens of today be interested in Knightmare?

I can't know obviously, but I'd like to think so.

Afterall, there does seem to be an retro buzz on at the moment, and there has been for the past couple of years or so. Not only in clothes, music and computer games what with emulators and software companies releasing old games on modern formats, but also TV too.

For example, although I'm almost 24 and far too old to watch the CBBC channel, looking at the TV listings, I notice that they do show old favourites such as Family Ness and Christopher Crocodile.

Does anyone enjoy Noggin every night from 8-10pm on Nick Jr? That shows two solid hours of classic children's TV such as The Wombles, Mr. Benn, Portland Bill, The Herbs and other greats. I'm a regular watcher

Plus the release of retro shows on DVD format has only increased appitite.

Consider also the recent remakes of classic childrens programmes such as Sooty, Fireman Sam which has been modernised, as has Postam Pat. Thomas the Tank Engine has enjoyed continued huge success for 20 years, with the books enjoying success some 30 plus years before that too!

Same goes for The Mr. Men. That is now updated with new Characters.

Has anyone seen the newest episodes of Rhubarb & Custard? What about the new episodes of Mr. Benn? Neither show differs that much from the original series.

Plus I hear that Dangermouse is soon to be updated.

So I'd like to think a new Knightmare would have a place in todays TV listings.

It would for sure have to be updated, but not too much I don't think.

Just think what a new series could bring though. A whole bunch of new characters, with certain key characters from the original Knightmare reprising their roles.

Treguard could certainly rule the dungeon for the new series. Hugo Myatt will have aged 10 years, but with each new Knightmare book, Treguard only became more noble. This could be reflected in the Knew series, as age would only bring more wisdom and authority to Treguard.

Same with Lord Fear. The ageing of Mark Knight wouldn't make any difference. I think looking older would only make Lord Fear look more menacing. Plus with the passing of time, Lord Fear could only have gotten more evil and twisted. The advances of broadcasting technology over the

There could also be a whole new batch of rooms and chambers, but again have a modern classic feel, with key chambers being kept for the new series such as Ariadne's Lair and the Corridor of Blades.

I would think that new wall monsters could easily work. As would the proper Helmet of Justice. I think that the helm used in series 7 & 8 didn't work. I understand the technical reasoning behind it (seeing spells), but I think it just looked silly.

So, like many others, I have signed the Bring Back Knightmare petition and can only wait and hope that the relavent head of programming comissions the show.

I've also joined the long cue of people eagerly waiting and hoping for a DVD release.

So there you have it. I also have my reasons as to why a new Knightmare may not work, but I'll save them for now, and post them up at somepoint in the future.

Thanks for your patience in reading this, and tell me what you think...


Re:Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 22:56
by TuragaNuju
I have lost myself in your words, but Boo thinks your just ducky! ;D

Re:Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 24 Aug 2005, 23:57
by Naitch

What does that mean then?

Re:Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 29 Aug 2005, 03:38
by Moocowthingy
I think Knighmare would suceed today very easily on modern childrens TV. I dont even think the show needs updateing the old Cromkey effects are more than adequate for creating the knightmare enviroment. Kids of today although different would have seen nothing like this and Im sure would be captivated.

Funnily enough I was thinking about something similar the other day and I thought that you could modify KNightmare by addign a faily element. For example saturday night around 6.30pm 7pm time knightmare as it was only this time the kid is the dungeoneer with maybe 4 meneber of his elder family guideing him ( mum dad sibling and another ). The questions/riddles could be seperated and made harder for the adult members. Personaly I think this would work well.


Re:Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 03 Sep 2005, 20:54
by DeathRobotTourian
Hello, new here!!

Thought this would be a good topic to post in.

i think Knightmare could still be a success today, I dont think its format needs to change either. The advances of green-screen and modern production are enough in my opinion to bring it up to day.

Re:Could It Happen Again?

Posted: 04 Sep 2005, 19:30
by Kieran
Some very interesting insights into what could possibly occur for Knightmare in the future.

I think the major problem with the blue screen tech, even though it has advanced since the days of KM, it is still seen as being generally too out dated to spend money on. It is true that we live in a far more advanced society than we did in 1994 (in technical ways if not anything else!), and it would appear even VR fails to impress people these days.