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Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 15:20
by Skarkill
All though knowing our luck we'd probabley end up in the CoB or Owen The Dragon's cave or somert like that.

I mean lets face it ever time we ever tried magic in the dungeon it blew up in our faces.

We make Sidriss look competant and thats saying something.

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 15:33
by Fidjit
Blow Sidriss' head off with a Colt Python!

Nothing inside mind you...

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 16:20
by FrightKnight
Yes, I remember this topic (as well I should, it was only last month), and all those inconvenient RUST spells I received by snowwie.

I'd prefer travelling by minecart myself, even if the ending is a bit rough. And you end up in level 3 of series 3, so you're a goner. :(

Much closer to christmas now, anyway! Hurray!

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 16:38
by Fidjit
I put some sounds in on the bottom of the previous page... Getting mad I presume...

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 17:44
by King_Gazz
Xmas party the Powers that be

Stiletta a New green Blade

Sidriss level of 1st magic diploma

Smirkenorf Dragon mints to last all year

motley a diploma of knoledge

Hordriss a cloaking device(advanced magic) (like the Klingon bird of prey in Star Trek)

Madjida Get out of the lamp card

Treguard magic

Marta a new inn

Grimaldine tickets for some cornwall hotel

fidjit new clothes

Romanah a sidekick

Ridolfo  a printing business

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 20:44
by FrightKnight
Anything for me?

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 15 Dec 2003, 20:49
by Skarkill
Err Frightknight.

Your not part of The Powers That Be.

Your gift is in The Opposition gift list.

Posted by: Skarkill on Nov 28th, 2003
The Frightknights: Oil & Greses

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 01:10
by FrightKnight
I tried turning over a new leaf, but the bad old ways just kept coming back. The salary Lord fear offered wasn't one I could refuse.

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 01:14
by King_Gazz
frightknight once a baddy always a baddie

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 01:15
by Skarkill
Besides its more fun being the baddie.

"Admit it Frightknight you enjoy your job of sending Dungeoneers screeming to there deaths on the Caussways just as much as I enjoy calping the IRONS on erm."


Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 01:16
by FrightKnight
I must admit I get a warm glow inside...

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 01:34
by Skarkill
It just comes naturaly to use mate were Evil Born & Bread.

Villaines through and through.

Rottern to the core.

"We'er The Very Best At Being Bad Guys."

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 16 Dec 2003, 22:45
by Skarkill
Well 10 days till Christmas.

And The Opposition Lair (Marblehead) is looking very festive (well as festive as it can).

The Tree (Or what passes for one Its Black as Tar) is trimed.

The Manicals are hung up as well.

The Goblain & Dragon Pen are all lite up

The seweres of Goth, The Black Tower & Miermen enclosher have got tinsil on.

The CoB has  Holly hung up on the sides & were useing The Cards with the Christmas scene on the back in the

Play Your Cards Right Chamber.

I just hope (for his sake) that Frightknight has rememberd to decorate The stocks room.

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 02:47
by FrightKnight
Don't worry, there's a lovely bit of tinsel decorated that just so happens to tickle the person who's in the stock. But they can't scratch where it tickles, so it annoys them even more.

I never said Christmas was all good for the Powers that Be...

Re: ...and a very merry Knightmare Christmas to yo

Posted: 17 Dec 2003, 02:59
by Skarkill