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Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 01:53
by SemtexJack
1) Very Well. I believe that is your name. Truth Accepted.
2) Not a great colour yet still....Truth Accepted.
3) You mentioned not any boybands....Excellent. Truth Accepted.
4) Falsehood. Bob Holness was first. He played Bond on Radio.
5) Errrrr. I don't know that....ARghhhhhhhh.

You're knowledge of The Holy Grail is exemplary. Truth Accepted.

4 out of 5. Impressive. Welcome to the Team. Until I find you a more permanent residence you'll be in one of the Guest Rooms on the 3rd floor. Tis the same floor as Melisandrinoff and Myself's room.

Speaking of which. Melis, where r u? Havn't seen you for days. Oh god. Please don't say she's walked through The Door to Nowhere!


Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 02:47
by zzt
"Excellent. I suppose I could look around the castle a bit for now... maybe figure out where I'm staying..."

*zzt pauses*

"...that is, if I have permission to look around."

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 03:25
by SemtexJack
Permission Granted.

Are you still here? I've been out counting crates of raw chicken for half an hour. Shame on you!!!!

Avoid Skarkill's room. It's the one with the screams coming from it. Also, the 2nd floor room at the top of the stairs, that is private room for special things.

I believe there is what remains of the other night's Dungeoneer in a corner in on of the Guest rooms. Be a good fella and feed Tiny and Nibbler for me. Cheers bud.

And so our group grows even further. zzt, Motley, Skarkill, Melisandrinoff and myself. A few more additions and we will be ready to challenge Lord Fear.

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 03:35
by zzt
*zzt heads out and up to one of the guest rooms. The first one he finds has quite a mess in one of the corners, presumably what used to be the dungeoneer that SJ was talking about.*

"Wow, looks like that one went painfully."

*zzt snickers, and looks around, finding a sack nearby.*

"Hmm, I suppose I could carry the carcass in that thing."

*zzt stuffs the dungeoneer's remains into the sack, and carries the whole thing down to the basement*

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 03:43
by SemtexJack
Whilst he's off dealing with that I shall go and see what is happening in my Dungeon.

*SJ strides off towards his tower passing zzt who was dragging a sack, SJ ignores him and moves purposefully off into his tower*

Now then mirror, Let's see what is going on.

*Jack gazes into the mirror. A vision of a beautiful (giggles) woman is being displayed. She looks to be in some pain and appears to be trapped somewhere...*


*She is caught in thick white, sticky strands. A look of sheer horror appears on her face*

Skarkill, zzt, Motley.....Anyone. Get in here NOW!!!!!

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 03:56
by zzt
*zzt dashes into the room, a small draft following him. He skids to a halt near SJ.*

"You called, boss? I already set the food out for the dragon and that hobgoblin and..."

*zzt looks into the mirror*

"Huh... what happened to her?"

*zzt turns back to SJ.*

"Who exactly is that that you're observing in the mirror, and what the heck happened to her?"

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 04:08
by SemtexJack
That, my slow witted little numbskull is Melissandrinoff, my Mistress. You've yet to meet her, she's been missing for a while now.

Do you recognise that place zzt?

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 08:35
by Skarkill
*Skarkill comes dashing in.*

"Cor Stone Me yer Semtexship."

"What on earth has happend to the mistress?"

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 13:04
by zzt
"I know a bit about the history of the dungeon's rooms... if I'm not mistaken, that's... Ariadne's lair! Cripes! If someone doesn't rescue your lady, the overgrown spider's gonna chomp her!"

*zzt pauses*

"...Let me guess, you're going to send us in, aren't you?"

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 13:06
by Fidjit
Good grief! :o

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 17:46
by LordF
LF sits down on a chair and gets out his copy of Villians Monthly

"Lets see what position I am on the chart of Top 100 Villians of the Century" said LF

"LOVELY" He said mocking Skarkill's voice "No 1 for the 10 Century running.

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 17:50
by Shiriuthechangeling
*A little girl appears at the door of the castle*
"Hellou! Anyone there?"

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 22:36
by Melisandrinoff
Ah, my dear Semtex Jack, I am so sorry, but...I have been into your special room! And found it so fascinating I had to stay for a few days! Indeed, I had to drag myself shouldn't have told me not to go in, that caused it to seem so irresistible to me that I just had to...oh, the things I now know about you! But don't worry, I won't tell any of our minions...
Speaking of which, what on earth do you mean by getting drunk with Skarkill??!! I knew this would happen, one brief declaration of adoration, and then you're off getting p***ed with your mates - I'm warning you that if I am to become your betrothed, I expect better behaviour - and why you'd want to spend any more time than is strictly necessary with Skarkill is entirely beyond me, but anyway...don't let it happen again! Now we've got our first lovers quarrel out of the way, how do you fancy joining me in the disco room? :-*

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 22:46
by Skarkill
"Ay Mistress Meli, Mel, Mal, Ml, Lem, Mei, Meli. Errrr Well The Mistress Is back."

Re:Arrival at Castle Anthrax

Posted: 04 May 2004, 22:54
by Melisandrinoff
Nice to see you too Skarkill ;) and for reasons of sanity, perhap you'd like to use my shortened name of Melis ;)