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Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 11:39
by JamesA
Q. What do you call a short, hungry goblin?
A. A pain in the arse!

Q. How do you turn a jester into a flea?
A. Get Ridolfo.

Geddit? Get Ridolfo - Get rid of 'o'? Folly minus the 'o' is Flly - flea? Right?

Forget it. I don't understand it either.
I kind of liked it - it did seem to work somehow  ;D

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 11:41
by JamesA
Q. What do you get if you cross a woman who owns a formerly three-headed dog with a bald wizard in green robes?
A. Someone who posts on a Knightmare forum.
Quality  ;D

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 11:43
by JamesA
So I asked Ridolfo "Do you have any chocolates?"
He said "Yes, I do have some minstrels"  ;D

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 14:59
by GrimaldineGrimwold
So I asked Ridolfo "Do you have any chocolates?"
He said "Yes, I do have some minstrels"  ;D
I really shouldn't be laughing, but for some reason I am.

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 15:42
by JamesA
What do you call a crack addict who's just looked into the eyes of the Medusa?


Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 17:49
by Emii
Q. Where did Lord Fear keep his armies?
A. Up his sleevies!

That was terrible *snerk*

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 23:04
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Q. Where did Lord Fear keep his armies?
A. Up his sleevies!

That was terrible *snerk*
I rather liked it, actually, but it's one that does the rounds in various guises. ;)

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 23:06
by GrimaldineGrimwold
And if you have any more Elita jokes, Emii, I'd be so grateful. :)

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 23:12
by Pooka
The Shellphone went when Sylvester Hands was doing the ironing.
He was taken to hospital with a burnt ear soon afterwards.

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 29 Dec 2002, 23:20
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Q. What do you get if you cross a woman who owns a formerly three-headed dog with a bald wizard in green robes?
A. Someone who posts on a Knightmare forum.
I don't think that's funny at all, dearie. Since the "accident" our lives have been just terrible. All the attempts to separate us have been complete failures. What we really need is a blindfolded 13 year old who'd probably conveniently have exactly the magic we need to divide again. It's played havoc with Grimmy's nerves: he keeps waving 'is club around and shouting, so he does, dearie. Well, I know that might not be that unusual, but I don't know how much more of it I can stand. And Festus just won't shurrup, and the Brollachan keeps going on and on about going 'ome to Cornwall. Well, dearie, I can't leave Mr. G, what with the state he's in. So we're all stuck together, until Treguard sends some little ones to help us out.

Still, we're not as badly off as some. A couple of others upset Lord Fear, too, so watch out if you see Majida Mogdred wandering around. A sorry sight, it is, dearie. Keeps shouting things like, "Quail intruder, look upon Majida Mogdred and quail. But ee's too deefeecult to quail. Dungeoneeeer cannot eeeven seeee who eee ees quaileeng before."

Anyway, bye for now, dearies. If any of you are ever around the Level 1 wellway, feel free to drop in and say hello.

PS. If anyone 'as any bones for Festus, we'd be much obliged.  

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 30 Dec 2002, 16:20
by Emii
Q. What goes stiff after one stroke?
A. The Dungeoneer during phase shift.

Q. What would happen if Smirky didn't get his dragon mints off Nicola (team 2 series 7)?
A. Elita

Geddit? He'll eat her!

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 30 Dec 2002, 18:42
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Q. What would happen if Smirky didn't get his dragon mints off Nicola (team 2 series 7)?
A. Elita
That is actually very, very good. Now, if only it insulted Elita like your other jokes, it'd be just perfect. :)

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 30 Dec 2002, 19:49
by Emii
I think I've run out! D'oh! I may have some next year ;)

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 30 Dec 2002, 20:33
by GrimaldineGrimwold
I think I've run out! D'oh! I may have some next year ;)
Me too. I was trying to think of more Sidriss jokes, but nothing so far.

Re: A great Knightmare joke...

Posted: 30 Dec 2002, 21:03
by JamesA
Q. Where did Lord Fear keep his armies?
A. Up his sleevies!

That was terrible *snerk*