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Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 03:23
by HStorm
Posted by HStorm Posted Today at 12:30am

Michale Cule DID play Fatilla The Hun & Brother Mace.
Oops. Yes, you're right, I screwed up. My excuse is... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... no sorry, can't think of an excuse.

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 10:21
by Lord_Bob
a dungeoneer going down a well way and ending up in a storm drain somewhere. "Hello guys?" Meanwhile the team go out for pizza to celebrate.

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 10:57
by Skarkill
Posted by HStorm Posted Today at 1:23am.
Oops. Yes, you're right, I screwed up. My excuse is... errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... no sorry, can't think of an excuse.




Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 09 Dec 2003, 18:22
by Lord_Bob
Skarkill putting Hstorm in the stocks  ::)

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 14:53
by Drassil
Treguard, Majida, Mellisandre, Gwendoline, Velda etc. running around the Antechamber a la Benny Hill, complete with the theme music.

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 20:50
by Moocowthingy
Treguard, Majida, Mellisandre, Gwendoline, Velda etc. running around the Antechamber a la Benny Hill, complete with the theme music.
Now that quite spooky Drassil as I was thinking the exact same thing last night.  Were you by chance using a spy glass on me, ha ha.  Or perhaps it was me who used a spy glass on you but I drunk to much Atruskan brandy and forgot about it.

Anyway I was gonna start a new topic about this which I'll do now as its obviously fated.

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:37
by Lord_Bob
You would most certainly never see a S3 victory

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:41
by Drassil
A Starbucks in Wolfenden.

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:48
by Lord_Bob
Or A Mcdonalds!

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:53
by Drassil
Yes! I'd originally typed 'McDonalds', but then changed it to Starbucks!

Adviser: OK, there are some golden arches up ahead, so walk forward... stop. Sidestep left.... stop. Pick up the large milkshake container from the table.

Treguard: Well done, Team, you've found the Cup! What a shame your quest is for the Sword. Onwards!

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 22:53
by MoanaLiza
Or a Costa Coffee in the level one well way room!

Mr G. Taking Festus into Holland and Barrett!
Gwendoline eating a Big Mac
Treguard and Lord Fear meeting for lunch and going to the chippy
Sly Hands drinking Ginger Ale with Brother Mace

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 12 Dec 2003, 23:37
by Lord_Bob
"When Knightmare Sold Out"
We replaced the CoB with a logging firm and the B&T is now B.T, Smirkenoff has been replaced by a Concorde, they are almost as ancient as dragons. No need to keep looking for food either, we installed a wide variety of fast food restaurants in Level 2 and Level 3 is now a shopping Plaza, Topshop, Marks and Sparks, Boots, WH Smith, Game and Games Workshop. Anything you want we will have. Now take this napsack to put your purchases in and this helmet to protect you from the bustling crowds and a your personal shopping advisors will be here to meet you in just a moment

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 22:06
by JamesA
You would most certainly never see a S3 victory
Or S1 for that matter

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 22:25
by Lord_Bob
You Would never see Merlin being crowned world memory champion

Re: Things you would never SEE in the dungeons...

Posted: 14 Dec 2003, 22:28
by JamesA
Or Skarkill winning the 100m sprint