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Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 13 May 2004, 19:11
by MoanaLiza
Ugh no, not Funhouse still slightly in first place :'(.

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 13 May 2004, 20:44
by keke
well funhouse is at least a bit better than Jungle Run. anyway i voted a lot last night and got knightmare up a whole %. Yay. It works if you keep deleting ur cookies then vote. yay knightmare. i missed todays ep on challenge though because of graphics hwk. did anything big happen(i know they didn't die because i saw the last 2 mins)

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 13 May 2004, 21:33
by KFan
err... Fun House isn't that bad, not unless you are moronic enough to hold a grudge against it for taking Knightmare's slot years ago.

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 13 May 2004, 22:08
by MPK
KM is third, but still a long way off from jungle run and fun house!

At least they have a piccie of KM S1 just above the poll, giing it an air of distinction!

If anybody you know has voted for JR or FH just say this;

JR was the place where Cheggers ran around in the nip for that pervy program on 5 :P !

FH - Your only voting for three reasons, 1 - the cheerleader girls, 2- the Go karts, 3- Pat Sharp's Mullet (salute him for the best mullet in the world)! Other than that, its rubbish, despite what the opening titles say!

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 13 May 2004, 22:35
by KFan
Was Crazy Cottage that weird show that was done entirely backwards?

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 17:05
by Pipmuk
Yes it was KM_Fan

i used to love that when it was on 7 years ago.

Vera the parrot..... omg those juvenile memories flooding back!

Oh.... and if you are quick, you can vote every 7 seconds, if you clear your cookies fast enough.

Ill post some scores up when im through with this :)

Ive already put it up a %.... i wont ruin it.... just simulating those viewers who love knightmare and dont have internet access :)

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 18:36
by keke
i got a vote in under 5 seconds each. Knightmare has gone up to almost 10% now which is good. as long as it beats globo loco then ok it has done good.

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 18:42
by Pipmuk
Latest results for 18:30 friday 14th may 2004...

Your choice: Knightmare
What's the best ever CiTV game show?
What's the best ever CiTV game show?

Jungle Run 28.23% second

Globo Loco 10.00% FOURTH

Eliminator 6.45%

Starfinder 0.57%

Fun House 29.02% first

Get Wet 3.23%

Pump It Up 3.03%

Knightmare 10.03% THIRD!!!

Finders Keepers 3.28%

Mouse Trap 2.23%

Crazy Cottage 1.41%

Terror Towers 2.53%

Total Votes Cast: 5972

Keep it up guys!!!! i didnt vote a lot... been busy... but hey...

Summary of total votes: (approx)

Total Votes 5972

Jungle Run 1686 votes

Globo Loco 597 votes

Eliminator 385 votes

Starfinder 34 votes (lol)

Fun House 1733 votes

Get Wet 193 votes

Pump It Up 181 votes

Knightmare 598 votes (in the lead by 1 vote!!)

Finders Keepers 196 votes

Mouse Trap 133 votes

Crazy Cottage 84 votes

Terror Towers 151 votes

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 18:46
by MoanaLiza
Don't you mean in third place by one vote. Still good though compared to yesterday and of course the day before. Ugh Funhouse is still first :'( :'( :'(.

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 19:29
by Pipmuk
Moana Liza wrote: Don't you mean in third place by one vote. Still good though compared to yesterday and of course the day before. Ugh Funhouse is still first :'( :'( :'(.
oh ok... i meant it was in the lead of that random looking globo loco programme.... im sure we could still get knightmare in first place....

if everyone made 3 votes a day and some others doing it overtime, it could be done ;D

oh heres a question: what was that programme that tim child replaced knightmare with? was it virtually impossible or something?

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 21:11
by Madmogsue
all this talk about fun house takes me back to when i was a lass....

"fun house, it's a whole lotta fun prises to be won!
it's a real wacky show where anything will go...."

or something like that.....

"use your body and your brain if you wanna play the game!"

lol.. how sad am i....i can still remember....

"In My day....."

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 22:27
by MoanaLiza
AARRRRGGGH NOOOOO, *runs off holding and shaking head* That tune, that tune! :o :o :o

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 22:32
by Kieran
It was a horrid horrid tune imo. I found the show entertaining enough, but it does NOT beat KM imo.

Goes to show that what is on the longest is remembered best the children....If it is them who are voting.

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 22:48
by Billy
I always liked Funhouse, myself- not as good as Knightmare, mind, but still pretty good.

Oh, and by the way, maybe this message on the scrolling text thing: ... 5/citv.png : might manage to drum up a few votes! ;D

Re:citv ask about knightmare

Posted: 14 May 2004, 22:51
by Madmogsue
nice one!