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Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 00:55
by GrimaldineGrimwold
She was all right, I guess. I'm afraid that the dungeon had rather a lot of brainless ones, so she rather blends into the background intellectually, but there was something very likeable about her, a sort of female Hugh de Witless.
Yeh, she might have been more interesting had the other Dungeon inhabitants actually showed some remote intelligence. I liked the early Series where it was more often a case of brats having to deal with people from a position of weakness, whereas in the later Series the characters seemed to often need blindfolded 12 year olds in order to survive day to day. I think just about everyone in Series 7 had been drinking some of whatever makes Sidriss so dumb, since everyone seemed to really suffer.


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 00:57
by HStorm
I can't believe noone's mentioned Richard Whiteley in this discussion! *shudders at the thought*
*SIGH* I'm sorry I even mentioned it.

This thread isn't supposed to be about awful suits, it's supposed to be about Sidriss (some would argue she belongs in the same category, but I digress). Let's not get too far sidetracked, okay?



Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 00:57
by MoanaLiza
Didn't he used to/doesn't he wear a green suit sometimes? I havn't seen him for ages so I can't remember. If so he's probably trying to be a Leprechan* (*spelling?), he is Irish don't forget. Just a thought though about Motley's outfit I think I might be able to picture Jordan in the outfit, very fitting (or perhaps maybe not. I hardly doubt she would actually fit into it. She would be very fitting in the role of Sidriss though!


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 01:04
by Skarkill
well i thought sidriss was sweet girl wen i was 11 years old but wen she was turned ugly she really irritated me but overall sidriss is worth a snog.
Thats true King_Gazz, she sertainly had good looks and Kissability going for her.

That was about all she had going for her.


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 01:04
by HStorm
Close, it's leprechaun. I can't remember Wogan wearing green. As for Jordan, not Sidriss no, although for some reason I can picture her as Marta...


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 03:25
by Elita
Well, I have to admit to having a soft spot for Sidriss. (I have a soft spot for Series 6 in general) I mock her constantly, but I do like her. I like how she's always so enthusiastic and keen to help, but more often than not just arses things up. She's similar to Gretel, only minus being completely obnoxious with a voice so shrill that it could shatter glass.

Plus I really like her as a foil to Hordriss. So, we have one wise, powerful sorceror whose daughter just happens to be a complete twit. Sorta taks the wind out of his sails a bit really. And it explains why Sidriss suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Hordriss had her locked in a cupboard somewhere so she wouldn't embarrass him.


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 10:03
by Lord_Bob
Ha ha, I like that idea still she wouldn't be able to navigate out of the cupboard for a long time... hence why it took her 3 season to appear  ;D


Posted: 21 Jan 2004, 10:45
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Plus I really like her as a foil to Hordriss. So, we have one wise, powerful sorceror whose daughter just happens to be a complete twit. Sorta taks the wind out of his sails a bit really. And it explains why Sidriss suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Hordriss had her locked in a cupboard somewhere so she wouldn't embarrass him.
Yes, I forgot to mention that. As a foil to Hordriss she's fantastic, and really helps give more life to his character too. Obviously that relies somewhat on him actually being somewhat powerful, and not as dumb as her in getting constantly tricked and such, not that I'm thinking of Series 7 in particular, or anything.

I love the cupboard explanation, too.


Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 00:39
by MoanaLiza
As for Jordan, not Sidriss no, although for some reason I can picture her as Marta...
I meant her as Sidriss for stupidity reasons though not so much for the looks (chest)!


Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 00:44
by HStorm
I see where you're coming from (deliberate double entendre there!), but it's a different kind of stupidity.

With Sidriss, she's aware that she's always getting it wrong and that she's not very smart, so athough she's daft, she's got a kind of wisdom. Jordan's just thick and shows no sign whatsoever of realising it.


Posted: 22 Jan 2004, 10:11
by Lord_Bob
He he, say it again  ;D