No unsolicited advertising. If you genuinely believe that a product or service is likely to be of interest to the community, it should be submitted to the main site. It should not be posted to the forum (via a post or a signature).
No harassing, disruptive or abusive behaviour. This is an open community in which people should be able to freely contribute without bullying.
No duplicate accounts. One account per person. If you are having trouble logging into your account, contact the administrators for help (unless you've been banned, in which case, we'd rather you didn't).
No soliciting or requesting copyrighted material. Do not post links to videos or request videos when doing so would infringe copyright. If in doubt, ask an administrator before posting such a request or link.
Start a new thread wherever possible
Be clear and specific in your thread titles
Keep on topic
Post in the relevant part of the forum
Post news stories to the main site, not in the forum
Knewbies who break the rules will have their accounts removed and all posts deleted.
Other users will have the offending post (if any) removed and will be warned.
3 warnings in 3 months will result in the offending account being limited in some way, with particularly severe infractions resulting in permanent bans.
Posts that fail to follow our requests are liable to be deleted or moved.
Knowingly repeatedly failing to follow our requests constitutes disruptive behaviour.
Other sanctions may be used as and when deemed to be necessary for the good of the forum.