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New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 21:41
by DarkComet
Oooar, peeps. DC here.

Some of ya'll (read = none) might have been wondering what I've been up to. Until recently, I was an avid player of the KM rp, building up the misadventures and backstory of a certain young Vyrrian Wren. When a lot of the site hosts jumped ship to pastures new, I followed them - and found myself in Labyrinth.

Essentially, this is a hub of different worlds, or 'realms', of which Knightmare is one of them. It's very much free to take where you want in terms of character and story, although the hosts do chuck things in from time to time to keep things pacy.

I'd advise taking a look, and diving in if ye feel inclined to do a bit of roleplay in the KM world. For anyone who is interested in Wren's story so far, it can be found here, kicking off minutes away from the end of the Dungeon's Ninth Age (events of which I am still scripting for a certain KM project of mine ;))

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 03 Mar 2006, 22:22
by Skarkill
Right I'm just going to take this oppatunity to clear something up.

The KM Roleplay Forum (Surounds) is NOT, repat NOT inactive or dead.

It has recntly been awakend from it's slumber and is once again active. All be it at the mo with less members then before but with some very intresting chracters appering.

Some old, Some new. So if any of you knewbies whish to try your hand at KM RP then please come and join us and try your luck in Wolfenden and the suroundsing areas in Surounds.

Also any old members who are still about and wish to return please do so, your more then welcome.

But remember...

"The Only way is onwards there is no turning back." ;D

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 12:03
by TuragaNuju
Do we have alink to the KM Roleplay Forum?

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 12:08
by TheBrollachan
Yes, it's on the random text that appears at the top of these forums. Also links can be found via on the links page.

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 15:38
by Skarkill

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 17:13
by Velda
Yes, please join Surrounds if you haven't already, there are some storylines going on at the moment and more are always being added :)

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 18:19
by Snowcat
Snowcat wrote: The Gauntlets already been picked up!

Labyrinth -

Or the original 'Surrounds' board :-

Post in one, post in the other, post in both, Just POST DAMNIT! ;D
Both boards are open business and welcoming players. NEITHER board is in competition s'far as I'm concerned.

Coriolis and Rhiannon both wander each board. We simply stopped posting when we Lost Sylvester Hands in the middle of a fairly major (to the Watchers at least) plot set-piece. Labyrinth has picked up our story about 6 weeks plot-time after the current point in Surrounds. The gap in between means that a return is not beyond possibility. We just need to get back underway again! :)

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 20:55
by Skarkill
Indeed I don't consider either board to be in compattion with each other either they both offer something diffrent.

Scat you would be more then welcome back on Surounds and I think (don't hold me to it) that given the fact that the plot contniued on Laberyinth we could for go the need for anything more then a wrap up post in the "Finaley Home thread" to free the characters so they can partake in the rest of the board again. :)

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 23:10
by Snowcat
I hear ye Skarkill but the intention for 'finally home' was a big addition to Rhiannons legend and us bringing back a little souvenir from Arios. ;) (more on that at a more appropriate time).

We need to finish up the 'Hunt' but I'd like to do it properly rather than a 'Poochy' style wrap-up. Anyone able to raise Ol' Sly?

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 04 Mar 2006, 23:44
by Skarkill
Well either way The Watchers & Ol Sly (lover bal old grimy vagabon he is) are very welcome back on Surounds.

That is unless Coriolis is affriad of Snakes!!

(More on that another time. ;) )

Re:New KM roleplay board - 'Labyrinth'

Posted: 05 Mar 2006, 11:11
by TuragaNuju
Skarkill wrote:

There you go. ;D
mm.. Ehe... Lovely!