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Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 18:12
by Mogdred
Those giant animalistic skeletons were very scary. Including the noise they made. What do others think?

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 18:45
by Kawaii_Catgirl
The Assasins were very creepy - just sitting there, playing with their knives - but they were easily scared. Love the moment when Brother Mace knocks one out, after leading him into a conversation!

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 19:04
by SrWilson3S
Agreed Assassins gave me the creeps too especially when Jeremys team met one in Dungarth it was a
very close shave since the assassin was right up to him before he said "go away".

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 19:36
by Pickle123
i always found the dreadnought was the whole "no mercy" thing. you either had the password or you didn't, there was no middle ground. i remember once when motley (or whatever jester it was at the time) came running up to give the password just in time...yeah, i had to change my pants ;D

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 20:47
by Festus
*stares at the other respondents with a hungry look (on each head)*

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:48
by Assassin
Catacombites. Every time. Even though they never seemed to do anything, the visual impact was enough to have me diving behind the sofa, shouting "run, stupid dunger-thingy!"

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 22:51
by Mogdred
Catacombites. Every time. Even though they never seemed to do anything, the visual impact was enough to have me diving behind the sofa, shouting "run, stupid dunger-thingy!"
That's  what they're called! Those were the ones  I meant when  I posted  this thread. Terrifying  things, they still get me.

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 17 Jul 2003, 23:12
by Pooka
I'm bound to say this but I think the Grand Pooka in Series 6 was pretty scary, and I was freaked out when one team found a Pooka in a bottle! However, earlier Pookas (series 5/6) weren't that scary. And Stormgeists I just found comical!

I agree, however, that Dreadnaughts were terrifying. I was petrified watching Series 6, merely because of the Dreadnaughts! And their voice as well... "I seek a word..."

Oh, and by the way, it wasn't a jester that gave Sofia the word for the Dreadnaught just in time, it was Ridolfo. "Sofia! Sofia! The word is territory!"

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 15:18
by Snowwiewolf
Dreadnaughts were the scariest. The first schene I saw on Knigtmare was when Sumaya died because of the Dreadnaught... I have knightmares bicause of that and I can still hear Sumayas voice sauing  erm...erm... and the dreadnaught breathing and the skeleton life force turning green and falling apart...   And Festus was scary too  ;)

Gimme an S...^^

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 16:49
by WhiteFloatingSkull
You just KNOW the scariest thing to grace Knightmare was the Skulls.  ;D

{Hovers menacingly for a moment, glaring at the forum.}

After all - WE were the ones who dominated the forum before Pooka's, Dreadnoughts, and those accursed Storm-gheists, who replaced us later on.

Anybody who disagree's will be out-right de-lifeforced... :-/

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 21:35
by Brangwen
Yeah, the Floating Skulls were very scary, what's not scary about a huge skull that can deplete Life Force.

The Catacombites also have a scary-ish tone to it.

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 21:58
by smirkenorff
The pookas from the later series always gave me nightmares, i used to imagine that they were after me too  ::)

How times change... Seems like so long ago now that im all growed up  ;)

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 22:26
by JamesA
None of them come close to the Medusa in my opinion:


Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 22:51
by Malefact
I wonder who's face that is.

Btw, Catacombites are probably my favourite, too. I hope they are 'resurrected' (if that is the appropriate word to apply in this case!) for the new series. Being computer-driven, they could intelligently pursue the dungeoneer. An opportunity for high drama!

Re: Scariest Monsters

Posted: 18 Jul 2003, 23:35
by Snowwiewolf
Ok white floating skull yoy are scary too ;D The scariest thing about  Medusa was that she could attack the guiders.... I always covered my eyes when I saw her