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The new Helm of Justice...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 04:06
by Elita
Okay, I don't know if this has been discussed befiore, but I always wondered what was the point of the visor on the 'new' Helm of Justice. (yes, I preferred the old one too) What possible use is there for having spells where the Dungeoneer can "see" when they're in a Chromakey room?!

And whenever they cast "Visor" or similar, the edges of the screen got obscured too, all you could see was a visor-shaped area of the room. That strikes me as less than useful.

And finally, I thought it ruined the whole idea of the dungeon. If I'd been a dungeoneer I wouldn't have wanted to see that I was really in a blue room, not the dungeon. It would really have spoiled things for me.

Anyone else got  opinions on this?

Re: The new Helm of Justice...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 04:25
by GrimaldineGrimwold
Here's what Barry, one of the winning dungeoneers from Series 7, had to say about it elsewhere on this forum:

"I was a bit confused by the whole sight potion stuff.  Granted, it was great fun for the dungeoneer to wear a pair of Virtual Reality glasses inside the helmet and to be seeing this sort of little holographic image of the room floating about six inches in front of your forehead.  Very weird feeling.  But not much fun for the audience, which surely is the whole point?  So what if the dungeoneer could see?  (He or she couldn't see very well I might add, the usefulness of Virtual Reality glasses cannot really be properly underestimated.)  It seemed to me like it was a case of the technical guys really REALLY wanting to find a way to use a new bit of exciting technology, without realising that the audience enjoyment factor involved in using it was pretty much nil."

I haven't cut it at all, because I think that just about sums it up. It's interesting to note from this that the dungeoneer didn't see what we were led on screen to believe he saw, but some altogether different VRish holographic image. From this and what other people have also said, it wasn't hugely useful.

As I've said before, I disliked the new helmet. I disliked the VISOR, SIGHT and such spells more however. As I've mentioned recently on another thread, there are certain things I'd like to have seen as advantages without being crucial advantages. SIGHT spells are an example- something you can earn to help you, but not something that you're automatically going to lose without. (I can't think of any teams who survived without the sight magic, at the moment.) Another is ENERGY spells. A bonus if you've played the game extremely well, but not something that you must have in order to survive- without it, you'd just have to be a bit quicker.

Re: The new Helm of Justice...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 04:48
by Elita
Ah, I never realised that the dungeoneer used VR goggles, interesting enough idea but still, what's the point? They got through 6 seasons without the dungeoneer needing to see after all. And from the way Barry describes it, it sounds like it was pretty disorientating.

And I agree that the "sight" spells shouldn't have been absolutely necessary... maybe they just wanted to make sure they got their money's worth on the VR goggles.

Re: The new Helm of Justice...

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 13:16
by Malefact
I didn't know they even had VR goggles in 1993!

I thought that after the spell was cast, they cut, showed the dungeoneer a monitor with the room in it, then put him/her back and continued, yes!