Filming of spyglass sequence in Knightmare geek week

New Knightmare Episode - Watch Here

By Alan Boyd

After nearly 20 years of waiting, Knightmare returned for a special one-off episode as part of YouTube's 2013 Geek Week.

Enjoy this episode, share it with your friends, spread the word, and let the world know that we're ready for a new series.

Extended Episode

We are pleased to host an extended version on the YouTube channel.

This extended episode was first shown at the inaugural Knightmare Convention in May 2014.

It later became available to watch online as a thank-you to fans for helping Knightmare to become Radio Times Kids' TV Champ.

The Team

Interview with the Geek Week team (Part 1 of 2).

Episode Credits

Interviews with the cast, starting with Hugo Myatt.

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