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Knightmare Audio Series

By Alan Boyd

Ross Thompson talks about his latest project, a new series of Knightmare presented in audio form.

Myself and Jake 'Eyeshield' Collins have scripted our own Knightmare Audio Series. The idea is a Knightmare series portrayed completely through audio.

There are situations involved with made up teams and characters from the original show, and maybe some of our own characters!

Many people have offered their voices to the project, and we hope to create a lengthy series-worth of episodes.

Please have a listen and sign the guestbook with your comments if you can. A lot of effort has gone into the episode and we'd really appreciate some feedback.


Series 1 (2010-2011) is based on Series 1-3 of Knightmare. Each episode lasts approximately 28 minutes.

Series 2 (2013-2016) is based on all series of Knightmare. It was scripted by Jake Collins, Rosey Collins and Ross Thompson. Each episode lasts 30 minutes.

Specials based on Series 4-8 of Knightmare were released between the first two series (2011-2013). Further specials were released in Summer 2016, Christmas 2016, Summer 2017 and Christmas 2017.

Short skits (or comedy vignettes) set in the Knightmare Audio Series world have also been released.

Listen to the Audio Series.

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