SEASON THREE - The failing teams of Level Two theory...

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Fright Knight
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SEASON THREE - The failing teams of Level Two theory...

Post by Fidjit »

I was sat here this evening watching season three just like any other Knightmare fan, when I hit upon a sudden thought. I noticed that the teams who made it to the minecart ride to level three had visited eight other rooms prior. For example:

1: Spindizzy
2: Five door room
3: Big Foot (Five door) room
4: Ravens chamber
5: Merlins Chamber
6: Great Corridor of the Catacombs
7: Cavern range
8: Four door room
9: Minecart room

1: Spindizzy
2: Big Foot (Five door) room
3: Level Two Clue Room
4: Great Corridor of the Catacombs
5: Merlins Chamber
6: Cavern range
7: Bridged vale
8: Corridor of Spears
9: Minecart room

1: Spindizzy
2: Ravens chamber
3: Corridor of Spears
4: Merlins Chamber
5: Corridor of the Catacombs
6: Five door room
7: Bridged vale
8: Cavern range
9: Minecart room


1: Spindizzy
2: Catacombite
3: Level Two Clue Room
4: Merlins Chamber
5: Corridor of the Catacombs
6: Five door room
7: Corridor of Spears
8: Cavern range
9: Minecart room

So this is just complete nonsense in your eyes. But it came to me that Julie's team were two rooms away from getting to the minecart room. So what do you think that gem was for?? What too was the password "Goodnight Jack" all about??

And Simon's quest. We know he had two step clues, and based on some evidence as we can quite clearly see above (circumstantial evidence of course) we can deduce that the next chamber had to have had either a character or the Ravens chamber to provide the final step clue (which after getting CAT and DOG I can only assume the last one might have been a BIRD.

Well I think I explained this as well as I can. But what do you chaps think?? Any other theories you can see, or any opinions?? :)
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Re: SEASON THREE - The failing teams of Level Two theory...

Post by Drassil »

Thanks for these room lists, Glenn. They're not nonsense! They form a useful insight and add to our understanding, and I wouldn't have thought to compile them myself.
Fidjit wrote:It came to me that Julie's team were two rooms away from getting to the minecart room. So what do you think that gem was for?? What too was the password "Goodnight Jack" all about??
These are important questions about Team 10/Julie's quest, and I have two more:

I. What spell would Merlin have given them? Treguard may have noted that Merlin hands out "a rather useful little anti-goblin spell ... on these occasions" (being surrounded by goblins) but that doesn't definitively mean that that's what he would have given Julie.

II. How much of what unfolded after they failed Merlin's test was the result of the team being in losing status (which they almost certainly were) and how much would have happened anyway?

However humiliating it appeared to the watchers, I don't think it was crazy of the team to offer the gemstone to the goblins, especially given how Velda had described it ("Highly valued by all denizens of the Dungeon and catacombs beyond" - why should that exclude goblins?).

That does raise other questions though. If, under different circumstances, the elvenstone would have been welcomed by the goblins, then why didn't they take it from Velda when they overpowered her? Couldn't they find it, and if so, where was she hiding it? That's as far down that road as I'm going to go.

The overriding question is: if the spell, password and elvenstone were all loose ends that needed to be tied up, what would have been squeezed into the last two Level 2 rooms to tie up all three of them? Because neither David Verrey nor Paul Valentine had been seen in this quest, here's a wild, vague theory involving both of them: the spell would have summoned McGrew to help Julie out of a jam; they would have continued together and encountered Motley; there would have been friction between Motley and McGrew; Julie would have defused the tension by 'paying' McGrew with the elvenstone to thank him for his help, prompting him to leave; Motley would have pushed the minecart out of Level 2 in exchange for the password. I'm afraid that hasn't even convinced me, but it's the best I can come up with.
Fidjit wrote:And Simon's quest. We know he had two step clues, and based on some evidence as we can quite clearly see above (circumstantial evidence of course) we can deduce that the next chamber had to have had either a character or the Ravens chamber to provide the final step clue (which after getting CAT and DOG I can only assume the last one might have been a BIRD.
Though reliably informed from sources outside Knightmare that the bird is the word, I don't know if it applies in this case. Maybe, in reference to the Knightmare intro, horse was the word.

Team 3/Simon's Level 2 is odd in that they were the only team to encounter the caverns (or 'Death Valley 2' as David Rowe's Art of Knightmare calls them) before they would have met Merlin. Also, I'm going to theorise that their Hordriss-face encounter would have been followed by the Hordriss introduction scene that we saw post-Merlin in the following (Team 4/Leo's) quest. Series 3 seems to be when Tim Child & co got wise to 'wastage' (prewritten quest material not being filmed because a team died too soon) and started looking solutions to it. There's a more obvious example earlier in Series 3: Team 1/Gavin picked up a bone but never got to use it; Team 2/Cliff picked up a bone and then used it in a scene introducing Mrs. Grimwold and Festus.
Fright Knight
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Re: SEASON THREE - The failing teams of Level Two theory...

Post by Fidjit »

Thanks for your take on this my good man :) the one thing about "Jewelies Jewel" (as I like to call it) that gave me a good theory is that the may well have either met McGrew and used it as a bargaining tool to get a minecart ride to level three, the other idea is pretty much the same but in this case they meet Olaf again. This doesn't seem likely since Olaf has never appeared in level two in this series. But he has in the previous one so who knows :)

The spell that I believe Merlin would've given them is something like REPEL. So they can't get close to her, or make them run away. Summoning McGrew might have happened, except as we learned in Ross' quest he is terrified of them :/ Something that makes me raise my eyebrow.
If the only way is onward how would you get home for tea?? :-/
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