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New Lissard

Posted: 26 Jun 2004, 16:25
by Steve
hey guys,
have just been watchin the 2 lissard/LF vids available on the televirtual website and ive noticed that there seems to be no subservience in the new lissard character.

I'm not too sure if this is due to the voice, the facial expression or the movements but it seems to give lissard a 'delicate' slightly feminine demenor rather than the sneaky but obsequious personality we have all come to cherish.

Am i alone in noticing this or does any1 agree? let me know guys?


Re:New Lissard

Posted: 26 Jun 2004, 17:09
by HStorm
I can't say I noticed it, I just think he sounded different. I do hope Cliff Barry is available to do the voice if/when the series-proper begins, as the stand-in who did it here couldn't quite get it on the mark.

Re:New Lissard

Posted: 26 Jun 2004, 19:15
by Skarkill
HStorm wrote: The stand-in who did it here couldn't quite get it on the mark.
Bit of an understatment, there HStorm.

Could have been a worse imatation.

But it could also have been a darn sight better.

To put it another way

Not UN-LOVELY but Not LOVELY either